Contact info
Website www.JamesG.Site


Email me a resume of yourself
1 Title it your first and last name
2 your education
3 your work experience 
4 your Hobby's
5 Hobbies
6 what intents you in the JJO...
find at most 3 at least 1 Dpart.D to be apart of the fourth if needed will be assigned to you

JJO Resume

put "JJO Resume" then your "name" as the email subject

print it out then take a picture crop the picture and send an email
edit it in paint

Our mission is

to be a great Org can help many one day.
and make less victims like me
and if there is other victims like me
they can join me in one of my missions in the JJO

JamesG is the umpire Monarch no matter what to be clear

but we have a place for lots of thing plans all here for everything.

Think of it as a chess board with every peace has a purpose
we will have multiple parts that will be Different peaces 
to achieve your goal of making this Org Monarchy based on Justification

but pons are not disposable that will be treated better then other would treat them because we are still Valuable people.


1 fallow on Media Channels
2 contact me  if desire
3 join one of my discords at least

JJO meeting place

Morley Park

Address: Morley Ave, Rocky River, OH 44116

12:00 EST Friday or Sunday 

when light out for 1 hour "JJO talk"

send me a email at the email on the website WWW.JJO.World to get me to go to Marley park as well not going till your all there 

take screenshots of this site and highlight things that are important on the images and make sure you have copies of the website before highlighting it.

come back to this site at least 1 time and look around if there is any changes every 8 days 1 day after a week

DPart1 Name JJSociety

DPart2 Name JamesG

DPart3 Name JODSS

DPart4 Name Jargavum

JamesG  Contact Email

about the JJO

plan on making a huge corporation one day of this planned organization
for a better future, for good of many we may help in some parts of the org, will be a just organization...
for better Couse for a better future empire.
i have a plan to help many not like other to just help our selfs, for good above some interest
join and lets see what we can do
contact me on this site for will site will be the center of the JJO community that will connect all Official JJO things.

all most 100% all original planning from me jamesG from must expense of things and wisdom come and join as we will see what we will and wil, be able to do.

JamesG JJO World

1 for JamesG 2 JJO under JamesG
2 for jamesG
3 for the JJO many  groups for or in the JJO
4 mixed in location with the 4 focuses

when something is made in the JJO it has a...
Officialness pecking order
4 Official     
  =something JamesG make in the JJO

3 Semi Official  
  = Unofficial that jamesG advertises and displays 

2 Unofficial       
  = becomes well known enough in the JJO without jamesG taking part is its creation 

1 Temp             
  = something anyone can make for the JJO it can be Deleted its can become Unofficial ether way it is temp

Some Info

JJO has 4 focuses that go every where 

for everything, 

1 jamesG specifically or for jamesG Specifically no one else
2 general
3 groups
4 mixed
there is still a 5 and a 0 in sections in the JJO text document and should be printed 

1 and 2 used to be Switched 

5 the first out side of the 4 focuses  that means working for the 4 focuses and freedom of thought and spontaneous

0 less then all the 4 focuses that in within the 4 need and under them


4 Focus Category with different things within each category 

4 Focuses are needed for everything 

you can put a Sub 4 Focuses within 1 of the  4 Focuses each

things you can use the 4 Focuses for safes  for example 

or places to store things 

for example 

you can put 4 smaller safes in a bigger safe

bigger being the 4 focuses safes with a sub 4 focuses within it

place it in a good order