Deals with groups

Deals with the Enemy 

Deal with the matriarchal Rapist 

only applys to females
if you give up sex with other males since i never had and you raped me and join  proove you self and try to join the harem
be committed is a otion to get out of be toucherd to death if you a famale the day when thats possible

if i could i'd cut all there legs and arms off and toucher them to death fro all they have taken and got out of raping me
and gthere only redemption after lssing there arm and legs is being enslaved forever  or be troucherd without legs and arms to the point they die from there suffering
i know theres a after life and a quick death is not justified but sometgime needed to get rid of the rapists that are in the way of the making up option above that some may not like for those they have the option that is not so pleasant
Thats just how i feel and what i want, its only right

I have looked into it it seems based on this cominuing the deal is now invalid below but above still works
because they ruined me and they can never make the pain feel better by making it up maybe work maybe not
now it all pain and the pain became native so its hard to tell
and my dick has no feeling.
and i feel little pretty much no sexual plasure i till desire it but i will never get it if this keeps up i will never be able to get a  good wife have sex and enjoy it because of your own dieser to rape me for your own pleasured selfish thought less careless  joy of theifing  coasing pain to others
and the feeling because no longer in bordering in  that stage of grreefi think im in exaptation.
and eltero shcok and drugs of sort god know what else makes the PTSD go away but along with though thoughts and emotion

You raped me you took from me

I could have enjoyed it it was full of attraction females
Why did you rape me just to hurt me
I would have loved it now I'm not so sure
All you did to me, I may not like it so much anymore
I feel like if you do it when I'm awake 2 time as much and 2 times extreme at least when im awake 
same that you did to me when i was asleep as I was asleep I'd feel better even though I can't feel anything anymore
Idk if you know this you make me feel Dred and extreme panic

My heart hurts like you played with it
My balls feel damned,. And I never had sex

You girls have sex, why cant I be awake form it when you rape me
i get sorts of  pain, when you feel pleasure
I would have enjoyed it
Now when I have sex it will only be pain
I would only think of all you took from me
I will never feel what I could have if I was awake for it
I will always feel dread\
You girls could have been in my harem
I don't know if it's right to ever have sex
if you don't make it up to me
I don't think I should

I am so over whelmed and sad think of all you have done
And I will never be the same

I hope you are willing to make it up to me
Enough for me to make it up to me
Please or I will never me happy trully if you dont

I'm still young I never had fun
You people enjoy doing things to me
I never know what to do
Please help
Make it up to me for I can not just want to die
I will be willing to whore my self out just to get you to stop fucking raping me
It's not like you not going to get it any ways
At least I won't have this happen again
No matter how much it hurts me inside
Please only females and try to meke it good
I want to enjoy my first time at least a little
I am a really raped virgin because I'm never got anything out of it

And let's think of anyway to make up for the pain will be and feel better

1  if there was any guys cut there arms penis balls legs off and store them for I can take out my pain on them, and if there was old ladies beat the shit out of them cut there plfingers off on at least one hand

And the young ones can show me everything they did to me and do it while I'm awake in a way I enjoy
2 times as much and 2 time as extreme
For only me JamesG only
And make sure at least some of them younger never have sex with anyone else but me
And they will be mine, for i can have what i feel i need, what i was saving as a teen, a commitment


And do things for me I ask for try to me make me a happy for ever,
And doing all of this is the only way
And joying my harem if you don't have sex and hang out with any males ever again could help

I have no idea what else to do
And make a safe place for my harem to be without any other males but me not matter what
And have people do what I ask and help me JamesG

If you don't do this for me I will never be able to live like this
please do it

And everyone that was involved
Make sure they fallow this agreement as well start with who's easiest and grow

They all need to make it up to me one day
But if you fallow this agreement

One day it will be okay I may forgive you after a long time or maybe not
ether way I will feel better as long as I get everything I asked for please do this for me

You can call your selfs

Repair JamesG girls harem 
  for a kinda maybe redemption maybe not possible

if you don't sleep with any the males but me, even if you raped me, as starting as soon as possible sooner the better before anything you may do with other guys, to proof you are in capable of commitment, if not you will not be able to get this part of the deal,
if you can do this you can join the harem and make it grow, just look at the harem page and make it be,

JamesG rapist message and Story

I jamesG i have never had sex i have been raped,
i have been raped my hole adult life since i was 19 now im 27  almost 28
no matter hwere i go the rapist are there, its big and secrit im not the only man in the world that this happens to
and you dont always know

a few hour within before 8:00 Sat Mar 18th 2023 was raped many times while here at meront hotel in avon ohio, the4 next day they drained the pool, people always look at me when im out of the hotel like a group of 3 go and look then walk away many times,

and around 1053 man mar 20th i may have been rapped again and called the cops to report the one the  sleep in the pool before, and they covered it up

, i first noticed i was being rapped in the hospital, in 2019 Marymount i got beaten and raped  i think they beet me because they  where not fished,

they rape me when im am unconscious they try to make it where its hard yo know im being rapped,
i have been rapped by lots of woman, and girls,
idk why i can't be awake for  it, i never have had sex, they have lots of sex they rap people, and now i feel like i should not have sex would not be right, too much has been done to be to do thing i would ruin the  tragedy, by making the rapist not seem as evil bad wicked sadistic,

when i notice thing that happened when i was unconscious, i have a panic attacks when seeing that the small bit where and realize its real and my hurt beats, a peace of me remembers
im not sure  why i know they know they hurt me they enjoy my pain and the damage they course at least some that i see,

i will always be in pain of some sort this tromba will not go away my life is a prison

these woman i would have been with they tress up to rape me, i see them few  a second before i go back under they show me things they can awake me up before they get started or to ask me a question or to show me something like that they enjoy what there doing to be and they know im in pain, then i go back under,

i used to think it was something else now i know what it is i dont know how to stop it, even if they ever stopped this many year not going to happen,
i would never feel okay in anyway always in trauma

im not sure if i will ever be able to be okay in this way,
i think of deals to make with them stop give them what they want and make thing better for me, and maybe in a way that make me feel better for i can maybe able to be happy, but so much, i want them to pay and suffer a extrema amount for rapping me,
im like a rape Slave Matriarchal rapes things, seems to be almost all females, there are less guys,

im a Virgin a raped Virgin,
i am modest i would not shown my dick to anyone,  when i was a teem want ted to save my self for a pefet female, or someone that good enough,
i did not even jack of the tip of my dick because wanted it to feel good, when i am with a female for the first time,
i would never even now  let a female have a dick pick of me,

they raped me a lot i have like no  feeling in my dick, i will not ewnjoy my first time, they fallow me so if a grils wants me they mayjust rape me,

and even if i do get a  female and tghey di not have sex with other guys,
they have needs of me im sure pornos,

and when  if  you care about someone and they want  you, if you they have porn of you, they  masturbation they will loose lots of feeling for you no longer special no matter what is Special about them, that you feel gone, even worse when you can just rape me like im your fucking toy
and if i do meet someone they maybe recruited

im trying to figure out a ways to fix this i can not live this way,
it vetter to know then not to know,
it feels better to know, i rather know

idk what to do i can not get justice, to cops are on there side, Matriarchal Rape Society is what i call it,
so much pain for some evil bad wicked whores Sluts,

Mission get this rapist conspiracy away from  me or change it to my side and control it
and defends a offence is a good defends fine some times 
