JamesG bit of Bio


A bit about my self

I am A Sexy man and i want to rule the worlds one day lol

i trying to become famous for i can do many things

i want to try to do everything within my one choice

i am starting communities that will form up in a way

the JJO  and my channels under me or of me

to reach some goals when i its the time 

and i am looking for good girls females to be girls for me

i want a commitment if i was in a relationship
i would not want them to sleep with any other man
one and done, they cheat one time there gone from my life forever after making the commitment

I have  channels,
that i want to promote

and i want to get my want and needs met

yotube Channels

ThoughtTalk   https://www.youtube.com/@thoughtalk


MonkeyGibletsGuts   https://www.youtube.com/@monkeygibletsguts


TheJamesGAwseome    "https://www.youtube.com/@TheJamesGSexy


some of the things i do

i am strong there maybe some Stronger

but i am still Strong

i used to be vary Smart and understanding in many ways
but then the God Damn hospitals destroyed my brain and others after that

i am a hard worker when i want to work witch is normally i lay down a lot because of my brain damage

i dont like being used without getting something back more then what you took


i am self educated  i thought a lot in my life have not lived my life want to
please help me live my life on my terms

the hospital kept me from finishing the last grade of school but i like learning
my brain is broken i wish i could still think like i used to i used to think amazingly

i never know how smart i was till i lost my minds perfection in many ways
and the voices made me more self aware of who i am didnt know how little others know
and i showed many a new perspective and a new one to  them