JamesG Info and Real Stories 

Rapes in hospitals Sorties 1

in 2019 i got raped and beaten in the word area

i went into a room with a short hair red head, said she had a nice complexion, she laughed 

soon after she gave me a big cup full of pills with a nurse smiling at me creepy  same smile on both there faces

took the pills lots of bills, got tired

woke up with the biggest floppy penis of my life with my pants down, the hole hospital saw me naked and raped while i was unconscious 

i was in the  room right next to the office and across from the living area, to get anywhere you had to go past my room if you where in that place you say be naked,

i pulled up my pants and before i could get a foot out the door,

5 cops grabbed me, i woke up too early they where not done, did not know if there was other having sex out there i just know they where with me in my very exposed room and at least two females where, i don't want to think about males doing this to me,

i did not know they where cops, they call them self clavelinid clinic police,

they grabbed me without saying anything, i did not know they where cops, throw one punch to get the off of me, in self defense keep in mind i just woke up and did not know they where cops,

 and i kept them off till i by pushing them away when i could see there uniforms i poke up enough to see, i put my hands in the air and said i comply i did not know you where cops,

so they pick me up and throw me down as fast as they could pull my pants down exposing my naked body again, and beat me,

i turned around to cover my pain and balls while they where holding me down, they said what you want it in the ass,

i did not so to keep it from going into my ass i flip back over,

having to expose my self,

then they punched me 8 too 15 times in the face while holding me down naked after pulling my cloths off,

then they put me on the bed i had to ask 3 times before they would pull my pants back up, they girl who gave me the pill before the rape and beating, gave me an injection and it hurt like hell, felt like i was being ripped in half, this is while my dick was still out,

my left eye still drupes as a reminder of the rape and beating

i call my self the raped virgin,

because this is not the only time i have been raped, in a hospital, 

they dont always hide it well, many hospitals, im not the only one these females in these hospitals rape men al the time,

i blame this moment of for sex positivity, in a hospital, full of females all sluts with this amount of power, they can always get away with rape i am not the only one, people have no shame in sex so even if its rape or cheating woman can almost always get away with it to little to no consequence, 

i call it the Matriarchal Rape Society, 

i never seen a boob in real life never kissed a anyone,

but i have been raped a lot while under sometimes i when it happens it feel like a deem or thing just go black,

they raped me in Oakview, and i saw other sexual things,

they raped me so bad i when i woke up by penis was bleeding lots a puddle of blood, i still have almost no feeling in my penis, at all, i an most likely never will,

i saved my self for someone special, but never got to have anyone while i was awake and now i never will, if i do it 2wont be for me it will be for her, it still works i just get nothing out of it,

raped Virgin

raped a lot by lots of woman idk why i could not be awake for it i may have enjoyed it but now i will never feel my first real time,

so many woman all almost all very attractive but i never got to be there for any of it,

they had me and so many other guys and i never got to experience it one time,

maybe men to almost all females,

i also got raped in Saint John Westshore,and Saint Vincent

what seem to be the CIA for god only knows what reason,

said they just wanted to ask me some questions i saw a hospital van so is next to lots of really nice shiny vans with a BIG CIA in white bold on the side, and i asked to go to the Ambulance, and said take me anywhere you want, because the devil you know not the devil you dont,

would they said even though i was in willingly, he said restraints

and ketamine injection , said no so i ask if i can go in a police car instead there was one cop, he said no walked out they tackled me and beat the shit out of me,

they gave me the injection  did not know what was going on i was the most scared i ever was my whole life, could not see they where doing shit to me, was in a hospital room and they started to remove my pants i aid no no do not remove my pants, they took them of anyways and again they whole hospital saw1 my dick,

because of the room i was in,

when it wore off i was relived my blanket barely covered me,

and the just grabbed my dick ant put in in a thing to p not even asking i said no to reeving of my pants,

later they moved me had weird dreams the nurses kept complaining about me being there would not allow me to put a toe out side the door way, or they would call the cops

they moved me again talked to a nurse, and they called a bunch of people to be and 3 cops where in the room with me with the door closed behind them threatened to kill me,

then a brunch of female nurses and one fat guy, came in there with me while i was up on the bed,

they guy was being a dick and the female nurses s aid i just wanted to see his dick,

then gave me a inaction woke up with my pants off again in a different hospital Saint Vincent Charity Hospital<

with my pants off and a blanket on,

they did so much to me now i will never be able to feel what sex is like no feeling,

i get raped in almost every hospital i was in my adult life, for sure

but i dont always get a clear site i was rapped within i wake up lie missing cloths and a bleeding dick

and my theorist from a out patient said if i talk about being raped in Marymount hospital again,  

she said things that happened tome in the past will happen gain and it did,

because when i was having a overwhelming panic attack from the rape PDSD she called the place and i and she made good on her word shortly after the call should not have been made

not part of this sex positive, Matriarchal Rape Society,

anti slut shame whore movement,

now they are trying to ban the word rape calling it R wording

now you can tell people about being raped without offending for peace of shit SJW,

soon people will be silenced,

and rapist can say R wording and get away with it and if people dont know R wording is rape then they will just get away with it and no one can lessen rape is the new nigger word,

this politically correct Fascist SJW Hypocrite movant is hurting so many and they really think they are fighting a bad guy when they are protecting the really bad guys and they dont even know it

i am making my own groups for many reasons,

idk when i can use you but it can be slow but when the time comes i will call on you give me a message for i can use you for my Causes, i will call on you when the time is right

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