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Male and female  things to know

IN the JJO to end any controversy  

info from JamesGs understating

There are 2 Genders Male And Female

Gender is based on Genitalia   males like a 1 females like a 0 

males have a Stick like a 1 called a penis between there legs balls

a female has a hole between there legs like a 0

there is sexy Genitalia that should be cover in public

and around other people if you don't get permission  to show it need to have permission to take your off around other people in there property or there home

can not take others cloths off without someone them agreeing to it or needed of life or death

sexy parts should always be covered  because they trigger sexual urges 

always sexual parts are boobs nipples the hole between our legs  for that females have

and a penis balls under the penis in a sack called testicles 

the sexy parts in humans look similar  the what im going to describe 

a more sensitive part of the body with slight  color change

that some more sexual parts have normal skin colored bouncy parts and a Different  colored tip

sexual bits in this Community of the JJO under JamesG must wear cloths covering there sexual pars no matter what around other members unless there in there own property  like a home that belongs to them Self and there property

the difference
Just because it feels good does not make it good
just because it feels bad does not make it bad

hems  the body and make you  the effects of  ill and maybe dizzy
like  alcoholic drinks two on the periodic table are able to be drunk without killing
effect the a part of the body or brain to make it quicker and makes work better in the way it works

drugs effect the brain poorly and harms the brain, if effects the brain always in the drugs that are know
it changes the way the brain works and damages the brain, gets you high it witch changes the brains chemistry
and will course lasting damage or it would not get you high if it did not change things

in my view
its better not to ever do any brain effecting drugs or drugs at all unless you have to to live or die
because no matter how it feel it is not worth the damage and impalement
it better to only do drugs if you do if it only effect yourself and no one else
and never tell people to use drugs no matter what, if you want to do this to your self do it if you want after thinking but never tell someone else to do drugs that is extremely selfish
weed is air born the fastest way yo get a drug to the brain is inhalants is the fastest way to get a drug to the brain
so if you smoke around someone else they will get high to witch is bad its like raping there brain
they did not ask for this, but you did not give them a choice,
thats why if you smoke around someone else and they can smell it or breath it you should get your ass kicked
its an assault you are atacking there brain with a smoke that you that smoking and gets people high
and anyone that gets high no matter what amount should beat the shit out of anyone that coursed it
it damages the brain and will be lasting effects its a assault against your brain if they smoke around you

even if its legal
its not legal to forcefully drug someone else and damage there brain without consent
and that is effectively assault,   and you should defend your self.

JamesG Philosophy quiet

Just because it feels good does not make it good
just because it feels bad does not make it bad
it can feel good to make others feel bad
it  can feel bad to not allow others to feel bad but they may need to to become good
if they did something bad

feeling is different then being and doing

was it justified

what you feel is not  true  in reality  its really but does not apply to whats really good  or bad
truth determines  good and and bad
your feeling just let you know about you witch you can use  to think of others
think of  someone in pain  or someone you hurt and think of anything
they say after you think if you felt anything that would have made you act they way they did if it was bad enough
if you can't think of any pain  you had and think how much worse the pain would need to be act like the person in pain
and keep in mind sometimes people pain dont even show it
and how much pain is out there