

in public where cloths cover your nipples cover boobs cover whats between your legs.

in work space act platonic and fallow the  work space rules and the rules of the public cloths

in a work space communes or building work rooms males on the right females on the left

and on the left  left a place for less professional work on the left right platonic professional work

on the right right more is where males do on the right left males platonic work

if someone says there not male or female make them click on the  link  above read the section  about make and females in the JJO
if there  a  not  calling them selfs male or female and they are human then put them in a  special  section
we call the RT  section  where if they are  and the RT
  section will have people born with  a Stick between  there legs they go into the rigth side of the RT section
if there born with a hole between there legs they go into the left side of the RT section

and if they had a surgery that make them look different then they go in the middle on the left or right depending on ho they where born

and the RT section can have a foreword  right and left and a opposite from foreword right and left
the foreword if for Trany Realist  witch is someone that agrees there a male and female and they changed there
looks not there gender
and the opposite of foreword is trany Ret is for anyone other then trany Realist

if something is stolen from JamesG or the JJO property Give it back and report the thief when we are able to punish them wait till your able to before acting on this rule

do not do any drugs in the JJO when we are doing anything for or with the JJO or you will not be allowed to be
involved, like a meeting you will not be allowed to talk, weed stays  in the brain for at least a week  so no talking for at least a week in the JJO meetings,  so when possible things like weed is banned it effect of the brain

use alcohol if you need something of the sort just dont be drunk during the JJO meetings or jjo work


f someone damages someones being and there not fighting back and there not bad evil then defend them

not matter what do this for JamesG and do this for members of the JJO

and good evil is not bad even if its scary if it works for the JJO and or For JamesG

If Someone else tells you something that contradicts what JamesG tells you then it maybe not correct maybe

and if its not consistent without contradiction then listen becuase one maybe wrong and one maybe right

if it contradicts JamesG in his community then you must deem it wrong and listen to what jamesG says to BE

JamesG will always be able to have and be allowed his own property there's JJO stuff that blongs to only him
and he is allowed tuff out side of the JJO as well

and no one is allowed to choice for jamesG or speak for jamesG
there allowed to say i believe and maybe or perhaps jamesG but has to add one
and if its just a guess say i think maybe


after you get 6  people  IN a JJO group you can vote on one being the manager
and a supervisor to make sure you don't do things that you are not suppose  to that against the rules
the supervise can be choice by a temp Division Vote the must people that pick the one gets it
or the manager can pick the supervisor after the manager is picked
witch one comes first will lead to the other position 

ranks of official things in the JJO to keep thing orking togther where people can make there own JJO groups
and be accessible 

  One 4 TOP
Official.=.JamesG is the only one that can make JJO official things

Two 2 Middle 
  Semi Official = is when official and unofficial  meet after jamesG approves and its put into the Official place as a unofficial

  Three  3 Lower
Unofficial = when enough people get get there temp groups to make a unofficial group and it becomes easy to access by many more then the rest other then official

  Four  1  ANYONE fans are allowed  too
Temp = is when it is the smallest JJO thing in the ranks anyone can make a JJO temp group
called Temp JJ group in some places

use click names to say where you are in the JJO where you can get the info how to use in other places

Help JamesG find out how in the JJO under JamesG first and meet and try to make sure your group can meet him for he can make you do things withing the JJO for Him right and other JJO things

JamesG will always be the Highest Top Of the Peking order
and findout a way within the click names to help JamesG i  the JJO or worker under him  for JamesG
if not together yet Group up then groups group up to group up on one JamesG
JamesG the Boss minimum and higher JamesG