Organization JJO

JJO-JODSS.Offence 1

JJO-JODSS.Security 2

JJO-JODSS.Defence 3

JJO-JODSS.Security 4

Click Name DPart 4

1 Plat

"2"  for james go only Place holder

3 govermant 

"4" Place holder for som ething that inbodys all 4 


The JJO is legal
The JJO-JODSS is legal and
how to keep it that way

im in America and and the JJO lives mainly in a red state
we have the right to bare arms
and to form a well armed Militia
as the rights of the Constitution given to the people of the united sates of America
everything works within the actual law, not some ones agenda charging what the law effect by false association by adding things that are not lawful because its not even written as law witch i see some people do when they there not on some ones side
and they want to pin something on them

info by JamesGs  philosophy

True or False = lying or say what is thought to be true by the speaker true
good or bad  = good or bad for the group

types of "False" or "True" propaganda
          or "good" or "bad" propaganda  for the side its about

false propaganda that bad for my group

False:  being there willingly lying almost never is a not on Mistake if they say it was a not on purpose,
they are lying more then must likely

True :  propaganda  is based on at least what is though by the one saying it as true

WHEN on the Side of the JJO use good propaganda  only so if someone uses  false bad propaganda
you can tell there not on your side or our side the Side of the JJO

almost everyone has a place in the JJO
including the Governments
like FBI CIA NSA COP ex military
or police
and the People the Citizens

one of our missions is to do good in this world, and make an empire of sport witch is legal
there are 4 focuses
4 click name Dparts
each could be for different people not all are suited for the same Click name Dpart.D

im in America and and the JJO lives mainly in a red state
we have the right to bare arms
and to form a well armed Militia
as the rights of the Constitution given to the people of the united sates of America
everything works within the actual law, not some ones agenda charging what the law effect by false association by adding things that are not lawful because its not even written as law witch i see some people do when they there not on some ones side
and they want to pin something on them

info by JamesGs  philosophy

True or False = lying or say what is thought to be true by the speaker true
good or bad  = good or bad for the group

types of "False" or "True" propaganda
          or "good" or "bad" propaganda  for the side its about

false propaganda that bad for my group

False:  being there willingly lying almost never is a not on Mistake if they say it was a not on purpose,
they are lying more then must likely

True :  propaganda  is based on at least what is though by the one saying it as true

WHEN on the Side of the JJO use good propaganda  only so if someone uses  false bad propaganda
you can tell there not on your side or our side the Side of the JJO

almost everyone has a place in the JJO
including the Governments
like FBI CIA NSA COP ex military
or police
and the People the Citizens

one of our missions is to do good in this world, and make an empire of sport witch is legal
there are 4 focuses
4 click name Dparts
each could be for different people not all are suited for the same Click name Dpart.D

and for the Combat things we can using a gaming sever role play things for fun get people in as a group thing
as friend or common allegiance and a fun thing to do as all JJO together group evens where we can have fun and learn
with video games and maybe more
when we do this we will use the JJO site for everything to know how to role play
we can make a Kingdom i games  Government
or run Scenario in a Simulated averment
and have a official non role play sever for the communities can just have another type of fun

witch will be made by the Official thing for JJO-JJSociety.Business.Gaming