5 JJO-Information.


4 JJOJamesGs Lists of needs,wants,Desires,requests services

The 4 "JJOJamesGs Lists of needs,wants,Desires,requests services"

Get 4 pages for JamesGs needs,wants,Desires,requests based on the 4 forces of the JJO,

5 List

 A 5 lists the links the 4 lists for rules and guidelines.

0 lists

On the side on the left of the 4 lists put a 0 list based on the 4 focus of the JJO for whatever you need.

can have 4 pages at most or less if you have more than 1 page make a title to each page at the top the same for all 4.

the 0 lists can be used as methods and anything want can be put on a 0 list lower and beneath the 4 lists, which can be used as resources for the 4 lists.

Code of benefiting the JJO and jamesG our internal monarch of the JJO

Restrict self to living for by a Code of benefiting the JJO and jamesG our internal monarch of the JJO. 

 in ways that are restricted to be used by JamesG or used for JamesG and the JJO...

And ask self is this beneficial to JamesG and did I make a mistake that was not benefit...

What JamesG and the JJO want and needs over my own,

Was that right was that wrong for being beneficial to JamesG or the JJO.

Is this good or good for JamesG and the JJO or bad

Can make purposes to the "Code of benefiting the JJO and jamesG our internal monarch of the JJO."

JamesG profile

"JmesG profile"


JamesG A.R Gonzalez

Hair Color


Eyes Color


Birth Year



Website URL




"JJO Monarch of the JJO JamesG".

"founder and creator of the JJO JamesG"

JamesGs powers no one else has and has over others

only jamesG can have his harem and harems

 no other males only females are allowed to be in the harem 

no males are allowed to be in the harem 

no other males can deside about and in harem talk other then jamesG the one and only umpire monarch of the JJO.

JamesGs powers no one else has and has over others

only jamesG can have his harem and harems

 no other males only females are allowed to be in the harem 

no males are allowed to be in the harem 

no other males can deside about and in harem talk other then jamesG the one and only umpire monarch of the JJO.

JJO Constitution efficacy

Keep it as a JamesG wrote it

the "JJO Constitution" must be consistent without condition in ways.

Everything  that has the same effect in common that can be used to make the "JJO Constitution"  more powerful or efficient as JamesG wrote it should be used if it is better for being as JamesG wrote it.

Make sure the "JJO Constitution efficacy" enforces and reinforces the JJO Constitution as JamesG wrote it.

What's in the document belongs to the title of the document.

do not break things in the "JJO Constitution" instead protect things that aid or help the "JJO Constitution"

what is not in the "JJO Constitution" that JamesG wrote is not "Constitutional"  and if its the opposite or breaks or ruins the "JJO Constitution"  as JamesG wrote in unconditional and if its unconditional its invalid.

what is in the "JJO Constitution"  that JamesG wrote is conditional and is valid and good and just and should be protected and reinforced as JamesG wrote it. 

when the "JJO Constitution"  says "JamesG" it talking about one individual  " JamesG the first official monarch of the JJO"

make sure the JJO "JJO Constitution"  is powerful and keeps being powerful as JamesG wrote it.

JamesG of the JJO is the Monarch of the JJO him only real one no matter what he is also the KIng emperor of the JJO and JJO-Jargavum.

Anything this text effect will be associated with other things in the "JJO Constitution" that is relevant to each other.

saying things that is written in the "JJO Constitution" by JamesG can make it more powerful and can override and win and beat anything in regards to the JJO.

eator of the JJO the guy who wrote the  "JJO Constitution".

the one and unly jamesG umpire monarch iof the JJO can not be if not blue eyed

and does not count as jamesG unless it's jamesG that this text document describes.

that counted as the umpire monarch of the first one one individual me that is called jamesG is the only umpire monarch.


the one and only jamesG umpire monarch of the JJO has blue eyes if not jamesG.

and jamesG umpire Monarch has dark blond hair at least blond hair and is male and if not male then not JamesG. and must be identified as who they are if were seen as jamesG.


jamesG has wider than most male feet of his species and he was born in the year 1995 of May and if not jamesG.


and out of all the jamesGs only one that came first is the umpire monarch the one who wrote the JJO constitution that came first.


and does not count as jamesG unless it's jamesG that this text document describes.

that counted as the umpire monarch of the first one one individual me that is called jamesG is the only umpire monarch.


and does not count as jamesG unless it's jamesG that this text document describes.

that counted as the umpire monarch of the first one one individual me that is called jamesG is the only umpire monarch.


only an umpire monarch constitution CAN GIVE POWER OF A constitution AND an umpire monarch.

POWERS OF THE empire monarch IS LINTED BY constitution.


ANY THAT ARE NOTME ARE NOT THE JAMESg. the one that is ME blue eyed jamesG who founded and created the JJO first and if there is multiple always one above the rest which is the one who came first and if there more than one of those the one who created the JJO.

and the one that counts as the real JamesG.

the real jamesG born in the year 1995 month of May.

this will be read left to right top up and down. this is left < this is > righr>.

all other jamesGs that did not write that JJO constitution will be umpire monarch at all in any way.

the rest will serve the JJO under the first to write.

if the is more than one jamesG who is a duke then they must be dukes of different things or places or territories that have a town of the JJO under the JJO or will be under the JJO.

dukes can have lords that are also a jamesG. ether below or above him

all jamesGs must live to live for jamesG under the JJO they will be or for the JJO under JamesG

all dukes must have a limited set and = a preset amount of territories.

not all jamesGs count as the same person the ones who have differences will be seen as different

and there is a pecking order

the more JamesG ME on top that was the one who wrote the that came first JJO constitution.