5 JJO-Information.

Gender Rule

Section One. 

gender segregation

foreword the forward perceptive 

men on the right

woman on the left  


if you enter a room you must go to the right or the left from the perspective of the room you entered 

Section Two.

mixed gender at the front of the room away from the entrance

Section three

in this cace there seems to be no forward

if a male and female face each other from the middle of the divide, the female forward if left a males forword is right

after doing this use the forword that is used by the already segregation group

Section Four

to divide the females and males amongst them selfs

there is a

left left

left right

right left

right right

IJCCA presses how to start needed

IJCCA stands for   Identify.Justify.Contemplate.Confirm.Act

Make sure you have a how and why you when through each step of IJCCA

how you or they did it and how they did it and why for each step

and you can be IJCCA form that help people write down the way they went though this presses

if there's a inconsistency you can investigate make you can contact other Click name Dpart group to help investigate after filling out the IJCCA form your self

make sure no reports are ever delete make sure you have it printed if its needed for you in any ways and have

a digital archive you can access of IJCCA reports

the ways the Justify step is based on 

whats GOOD for JamesG and him as the monarchy

whats Good for the JJO

whats GOOD for the Click name Dpart.D your in, witch can be see as a groups some times

whats good over all mixed

JJO JamesG policy

Don't die for the JJO jamesG live for jamesG Try to live a life that's good for the JJO under JamesG.

you are not allowed to kill your selves must live or try to live and do not allow anyone to end them selfs in this way keep them from killing themselves.

and do not kill a JJO member if possible unless you need to defend your selves.

it's okay to feel emotions sometimes you should have a place where you can be sad or alone for safe feelings.

JJO Name reasoning

James Justified Org

its made by jamesG he is the monarch of and does the job of a king to determine the government of the JJO

the culture and theme of the JJO will revolve around being justified 

its made by jamesG Unique organization methods

JJO names

JJO pekking orders of the 3 Js of the JJO

in this order as a peeking order of JJO meaning org

the only 3 Js of the JJO  in this order


there are JJO and JO and JJO JOs

JJO stands for 

James Justified org

James just org


James org

justified org

the JJO JOs

JJO James or justified  offers,operations,operator

Click name dpart 2


1 be the JJO JOs

2 Get jamesG stuff he needs maybe wants maybe get me out of this poor life. 

3 create a JJO JO part of the JJO compnay 

4 help get things ready for bigger operations in the JJO

JJO Owneship

"JJO Ownership"

no matter what and make it if it's not whenever able...

"JamesG the first Monarch" that is also the "JamesG the official first Monarch"  of the JJOOwns the JJO the JJO owns parts of the JJO the JJO-DPart owns its JJO-DPart.D and the JJO-DPart.D owns its JJO-DPart.D.SubD and the JJO-DPart.D.SubD Owns what's in it.

JJO Property

Each Dpart.D is the property of its Dpart and each Dpart.D.SubD is the property of its Dpart.D

and the Dparts are pretty of the JJO Constitution written BY jamesG and the JJO Constitution is owned by the JamesG the Monarch of the JJO jamesG that created it.

JJO Rules of info and Knowledge


Give credit where it's due or credit will not go to you and if you don't give credit where its do who will; give credit to the Great philosophies and philosophers or the Knowledge is lost.


almost all things are on a need-to-basis to benefit JamesG and the JJO bases


JJO information procedure

1 private                = in general info is private

2 JJOjamesG info         = all info is owned by jamesG and the JJO jamesG gets full access to all info

3 Diffrent Public info's = info that will be given to diffrent catgorys of groups

4 other private info = the first 3 for another group that goes in a recordable line of 1234 1234 1234 1234 the public info you give gets their own 123 then make a 4 like them selfs

There needs to be a CKO looking over some of the Info one day 

look at the "pecking order structure" part to know where the CKO is there under the CO's spot


Ideas and things made by jamesG or in the JJO belong to JamesG and the JJO.

JJO times and stuff of timing for things use the 4 focses for things

Section One.


the first 4 months will be based on the 4 forces of the JJO 1 2 3 4

the next set will be as well 1.5 2.6 3.7 4.8

then the next sets will be 2 sets of 





The main focus for each month

the  sets and the mouths one will be used for what you do and one will be used for what you meant to do the most within the click names

Set of 4 mouths set 1

1.1 month 1 in a year

1.2 month 2 in a year

1.3 month 3 in a year

1.4 month 4 in a year

Set of 4 mouths set 2

2.1 month five in a year

2.2 month six in a year

2.3 mouth Seven in a year

2.4 mouth Eight in a year

Set of 2 mouths set 3 

3.1 mouth Nine in a year

3.2 mouth Ten in a year

Set of 2 mouths set 4

4.1 month 11th in a year

4.2.3 month 12th in a year

days off will be at most 2 days a week,

 and at the end of the month 2 days off for the last 2 days off of the mouth FOR EVERYONE!!!!!

in case you don't know you can do this ...

the  days off can be used as a long break time for playtime food and freedom of free thinking  or freedom of research for the JJO

this is a gift for those who appreciate me making sure there is a mandatory weekend for thoughts you appreciate it

a day is a set of day and night day time when it is light outside and nighttime is when is dark outside like blacker

and on a clock for the 24 hours is split into 1 part "day time AM autumn meridian" and part 2 "night time PM post meridian"

and there is 12 hours each daytime and night time which makes 24 hours

12 hours is 2 sets of 4 1234 1234 1234 1234 do this to reach 24 hours

everyone can count this way and they will still count in the conventual base 10 that everyone uses

and  everyone who does or does not know how to count can learn this and it  will be easier

and will still apply to the rest of the world

and will get them an education that they can use anywhere after JJO basic education is refined 

and know how to work for the JJO easier

to be a good JJO helpfully  equated 

a way to count to 10 in 4 Focuses

get at most 8 hours of sleep or less every 24 hours if possible 

Section  Two.

and at 12::00 every day till the end of time is JJO Meeting and think or and planning time for at least 1 hour for everyone in general

optional but if possible make the first 4 sets of 10 Minutes before the next hour will be used for the 4 focuses as the subject to use only

and one set of 10 after the 4th set of 10 minutes the 5th belongs to the 4 focuses and is owned by them

and the 5th will be used for freedom and Spontaneous things that belong to and are owned and controlled by 

the 4 focuses belong and are owned by the JJO

use eastern standard time and Canadian zone 

for the worldwide 12:00 meeting for everyone, and a bit of lore the JJO started in Ohio

JJO under JamesG time and Calendar system

JamesG time

time around JamesG

will be slower than himself    

JamesG will live longer than other people and age will be slower for himself.

JJO time

a year is 12 mouths

a mouth is 32 days

a day is 24 hours

an hour is 64 minutes

a minute is 64 seconds 

JJO under JamesG time and Calendar system

JamesG time

time around JamesG

will be slower than himself    

JamesG will live longer than other people and age will be slower for himself.

JJO time

a year is 12 mouths

a mouth is 32 days

a day is 24 hours

an hour is 64 minutes

a minute is 64 seconds 

Mandatory Rule

Section One. 

men on the right woman on the left  foreword the forward perceptive 


 if enter a room you must go to the right or the left from the perspective of the room you entered 

Section Two.

and from the right divide the the females on the left and men on the right of the mixed perspective when someone enters the window from  away from the door mixed Forced perspective

woman on the left men on the right

Section three

if men enter a window then there on the left side of the door right side of the window then there must from the middle of the right and left divided into male side female side from the way you entered you have 4 sides forced door left and right with a window left and right with a middle 

of male side female side right and left foreword that makes

Section Four

a right side and a left side based on what foreword males on the right and females on the left

unless it's from the window the right is left and left is right then but from the right and left males on the right and females on the left of the middle line splitting males and females separably

Section Five.

if you do it right there will be 4 places 2 for males 2 for females and a left and a right for males and females in a square room you can have a straight  semitrailer line 2 lines on top that make 4 even squares in room 2 for male 2 for a female that can be used for a tattletale for a JJO work Workspace

if there is more than one room with more than one door then male males on the right room and females on the left 

Section Six.


Crimes that must be punished

not matter what anyone thinks because is they disagree they are a bad person and stupid

and normally you don't say stupid but if they so so stupid they are bad then or so disrespectful it bad

then you can call them stupid or worse disrespect those assholes if they break the rules that are put here 

Section Seven.

if its in JamesGs personal  property JamesG is the only one that's allowed on the male and female side because its his home

and if it's not a workspace and is someone's home then treat the home with respect and if any one steals what they stole must be kicked out and banned from the home permanently.

Section Eight.

and a crime is defiling someone's home space like stealing destroying or fucking in their property or home without their permission and must be punished and kicked out for doing this from that home and no matter what is allowed to hit them if they fuck or steal or destroy someones home without there permission,

no one gets to fuck in JamesGs home ,but jamesG with females

if females and a male that are not JamesG fucks or steals or defiles his home it is the law to beat the shit out of them with much pain for doing something bad and wrong  and awful and disrespectful 

Officialness pecking order

1 Official      = jamesG made

2 semi Official = something JamesG advertisers willingly shows on Official

3 Unofficial    = when its the main way of using without being official

4 temp          = anyone can make for the JJO, it can go away it can stay small

Polocy 1 of the JJO

#1. Policy

Everyone the People of the JJO will be held to the same started within the standards of their official JJO Class

and all people will acknowledge their differences but hold them to the same standard

example a man that works out or is strong and lifts boxes if a woman wants that job because that standard has better pay for that standard of work then she needs to be able to lift the boxes as well as the men in that started 

If she can

do the same work as a male and lift the same for that work she can do that job

if see can not

does not lift as well as the man then she can not work that job

side note

the RWM standard must be within what i wrote above this is what is a respectable woman is in the movement

for there less lower.low class women and more respectable  and not what must have been these times

and men need to use the RRM rational right movement to support and argue the rules here and use this website to find out how to use the RRM of the JJO-JJsociery.movement.rational

in the “JJO Constitution” everything in its folder is Like a DPart.D.SubD will reference everything in its own folders text document and affect each other, and “JJO Constitution” everything that it has common effects and text meaning in common will reference each other.   

the 4 focuses

The 4 foxes of the JJO has been changed

1 is now JamesG

2 is now a general 

3 Mixed 

4 Groups


2 general 

1 JamesG

3 groups

4 mixed

Explained why

at first, my thought was JamesG 1 and general 2 but since i thought at the time people may not like that is they have issues with envy and ego

now i looked  more into how a monarchy works i am one also neurology my first thought made more seance 

the 4 focuses is used for everything in the JJO

the first 4 numbers are used for the 4 focuses in the JJO

1. JamesG only or for jamesG only in ways that benefit him over and more then anyone else

2. general

3. mixed

4. groups

there can be 4 sub 4 foces of the JJO in 1 like 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

When naming something or making something

left to right left bigger then right, right inside of left

top too bottom priority and authority top is higher bottom is lower

always include the Pecking oder of Officialness

use the 4 foeses of the JJO max will be 4 numbers at the same time unless its used as a sub of a sub 4 foces of the JJO as a Code


1.1 is JamesGs only property things JamesG owns that for JamesG only

1.2  for jamesG only things in general 

1.3 for jamesG only groups 

1.4 for jamesG only mixed 

3.1 groups stuff for JamesG only

3,2 things in general for the group of the groups

3.3 groups things for group 

1.3.1    jamesG only Groups things in general JamesG only groups things for groups for generaluse  

















The Click Names

the JJO is baed of of the 4 foces of the JJO

there is 4 DParts and each DPart has at most 4 Ds and infite subDs witch needs to pick one of the 4 foces or more at most 4

there is


1 JamesG

2 JJsecity 


4 Jargavum

each of these has at must 4 DPart.Ds baed on the 4 foces of the JJO

The JJO Classes

there are three classes

Classes rank order

High Class        = must be in Medium Class before being in High Class, high class must be born in or put in by jamesG one day, its for                                         close to perfection  of this class  system 

Medium Class =more desirable traits like prudes good people over all, that only do bad things when its just justified  

Low Class          =  traits like a Slut or permissive  or rapist or wicked killer,

                                    you can me medium class even if you a killer

                                     just justified not a wicked killer a just killer instead also if you are what was said 

                                     previously and you not

                                     loyal then you can be lower class as well

Higher                 = loyal to jamesG or the JJO under jamesG must have a reason why you are like love  and a way to see how the reason is

Upper                  = a power you earned, like being smarter then most muscular

                                 more is when you have Worked hard enough to have achieved something like power for the JJO

                                 power based on the work you do in the JJO  and can say what like of power you got for use for the JJO                                

Lower                   = not in upper class part

anyone with higher out ranks anyone of there class of low medium or high class within the one there in

and high class out ranks medium class and medium class out ranks low class when possible,

so its higher high medium low

there will be 4 tears of grades depending on where you are 1 low 2 medium 3 high  4 higher and higher will have a mixed grades within the class there in they will have the option of using lower class stuff 


34 high higher

24 medium higher

14 low higher

3 high

2 medium

1 low

lower low without a higher just lower low class thing can be tested on or with them with perdition normally before graded to be given if a danger.

if not a danger then higher can test it out first if its a bigger privilege depending on what the test is for.

different grades of rewords gear and privileges as a rule

older out of date stuff goes to down to low they already have stuff and its still really good it goes down to Higher low and higher will get thing first with in there grade and since there higher they have the option of using lower grades as well by choice

high and higher high will get thing first get to decide what they get and can give feed back on improvements, and get higher grade thing then lower rank in the JJO class.





JJO Code word Meanings IN classes

High Class    = royal Blue

medium Class  = SkyBlues

Low Class     = mallet _red, Cbrown, 

higher = yellow

upper  = Gold

lower  = 

royal Red 

Noblity of the JJO under JamesG that is not high Class


someone who works a job in the JJO where they need to be more good or bad

All  classes you could be order top to bottom in rank 

High Class

higher.upper.High Class

upper.High Class

higher.lower.High Class

lower.High Class

Medium Class

higher.upper.Medium Class

upper.Medium Class

higher.lower.Medium Class

lower.Medium Class

Low Class

higher.upper.Low Class

upper.Low Class

higher.lower.Low Class

lower.Low Class

The One umpire monarch of the JJO

there is only One umpire monarch of the JJO and that is JamesG

makes sure you respect him and he has more authority than anyone else in the JJO and maybe more

for we can have a pecking order and leadership controlled by the Goals and the dream of this Oegs conituitom 

Things to do

IN each Group do...

Get one other Person in each group your in to be a buddy for that Click name  unit of 2 that groups up in a unit of 4

and keep your 2 closer 2 you when you get to 4 you are mixed your unit of 2 is still a unit when if the unit of 4 is unit 

like your legs and arms 2 legs as a unit of thde body 4 arms oand legs 1 person can be unit as well but 2 is better if you have a Groups for jamesG

and find a way of labeling your self under the right and correct way of using click names that this text says for the JJO or JamesG or the JJO under JamesG