5 JJO-Information.


how to deicde buildings and communes and rooms divide for work

males on the right females on the left

the left side of left is for living things like sleeping or food the right side of of right is the same for males

right side of left is for work left side of right if for work when men a woman mix it platonic and in the JJO work spaces its for working

put the 4 focuses inside of each of the sections right right, right left, left left, left right,

focus 2 is for JamesG every step and thing you do in 2 is for jamesG in some way.

where you place stuff has to do with the JJO  rules and thing written here on the website page 

JJO basic education

Section One.

a way to apply the 4 forces 

2 sets of 4 and 1 set of 2 

1234 1234 12 = 10 normal

4 sets of 4

a way to count too 12

1234 1234 1234 1234

a idea use base 4 if you want to get creative in your alone time

the 4 focuses  

1 is jamesG in particular, or for jamesG in particular, can be used for doing things for JamesG in particular 

2 is general of something 

3 if for groups of the JJO things

4 is  mixed like the 3 first ones mixed

Section Two.

More Advanced  

i ones thought of a way to do the 4 for focuses to make a cool method and algorithm

make the 4 focuses

then put 4 seb 4 foces of the JJO inside each of the 4 foces of the JJO

then put 4 squares inside 4 squares out have a visual way of seeing it

then order each of the squares  1 to 4 in a way it connects for all levels 

think of it as town or village planning or organizing Storage ,for a apt building with numbers on the doors for each labeled  

in a way only the JJO will know witch will make us stronger then the rest in ways

you can have 4 Forces'  and sub for focuses 

and remember to use each one of the 4 Focuses purpose when you use it

like a Dpart here and on there or and a Dpart.D here and one there or a storage for each of the 4 foceses

Section Three.

if they use the 4 Focuses on  Something

remember to always Label it

and if someone does not make them

with normal numbers if possible if not use a weird way but make sure to lobal it for it can be identified

JJO Code word Meanings 

Section One.


for types  of people to be identified  

Can be used as Code words

Sky_blue                 =  A good over all person

browns job               = is to be dependable and protect things, but if they dont do their job they maybe bad and/or stiped 

Chocolate_brown          = A bad person that does good things, or a good person that does bad things

Hex codes that can be used to types of Chocolate browns 

Suggested hex codes for Chocolate_brown

based on the all the Parts JJO Classes 

higher.upper        =  Good Person that does Bad things   = #784A10 

upper               =  Good Person that does Bad things   = #AD7953 

higher.lower        =  Bad Person that does good things   = #612D08

lower               =  Bad Person that does good things   = #7A553B


Cbrown               = A  bad person that does  bad things, CBrown  is not a real color  but is still a identifier  for a person

mallet _red          = a evil and wicked person that in your way

there is many  colors shades that will have meanings wait and watch for them to be here

Section Two.

royal or and loyal or higher part of class Colors

Purple                = A color for females that are Loyal to JamesG replace instead of royal loyal and willing to kill for jamesG

a real entice to jamesg like love willing to kill for him maybe


If you  want  purple  Find your JJO class and you can join the  Harem  that belongs  to JamesG  that can be organized  with the click name of the JJO

yellow and gold

a gold  or yellow  or both in the Shape of a "J" symbolizes  jamesG  ownership  of  something and himself.

if you want to it to connect to jamesG more there a way to do it.

like his hair is blond like gold and yellow and is lighter blond in the sun after a hair cut if he get enough sun

dark blond inside more like gold then yellow more like yellow then gold when gets enough sun 


Gold    = perfection  Purity and worth and the  only used for the JJO in that category  

yellow =  clarity  energy  remembrance  intellect honor and Loyalty to jamesG or the JJO under JamesG or the JJO, and

shades can be can be different things that represent JamesGs in different types of ways,  

a single J on a banner  means  jamesG as a something great or greater the great, depending on whats extent  achieved  

Colors for JJO or JamesG  that can be used for


 Dark_Blues =  wisdom knowledge authority  reliability 

royal Blue  Monarch like King royal colors representing JamesG , supporting jamesG that symbolizes trust and calmness 

royal Red  Monarch like King royal colors representing JamesG  , supporting jamesG Power nobly confidence and ambition  

 also  can be

 something  like a  Character that is a symbol  of JamesGs Empire or Monarchy traits on the more of his self of the peoples view thats the positive of the About the manatees  

Red = life  Blood  bravery  courage  fairness and  zeal for JamesG or cause or object  eager,desire.endever.adore to do something for the JJO or jamesG 

Section Three.

a blue t shirt  

symbolizes  JamesG  like  Something about JamesG

JJO colors with meaning

Royal Blue 

Royal Blue  

Royal Red  







JJO Constitutional references

the JJO consumption must reinforce every part affects that they have in common to author part of the JJO JJO Constitution affects and each effect and affects will use the references to condition affects the click names DPart.D number for eh DPart.D will reference all text with the same number inside.

from top to bottom left to right the JJO consumption will be read then will reflect parts with effects in common and similar meaning only written by JmaesG.

the pecking order of officialness 

everything will be put on the pecking officialness in the JJO as fast as possible  what came first is priority over what came after

1 "J.P.A.R" written  by jamesG to "JPAR" to "JPAR Code" Made by JamesG secretly

"JJO Constitutional references"

"JJO Constitutional variables references"

Resources of the JJO 

The JJO will have 4 types of resource pots

1 a trust found and savings account for JamesG for JamesG can have his own money to use for himself or investments without having to go through other people he is higher than CEO and will also be CEO he is a monarch he needs his own large things of money from the JJO for he can use it as he needs or wants for uses.

2 for general things needed as business expenses for the workplace and people's pay like a worker cooler or a paycheck 

and all of the same of their DPart.D.SubD

3 the church or building group that belongs to the DPart.D


the Church gets a 3 for them self but the religion gets a 2

4 Consolidated mixed for all the DPart.D given to

3 goes into 1

1 goes into 4

4 goes into 2

There can also be 4 forces safes next to each other per JJO workplace based on this above. With a camera with motion detection for watching them to make sure we know who and if someone's putting g money in or taking it out.