5 JJO-Information.


Dpart 5 info

Now its "5 JJO-Info" or "5 JJO-Information"

used to be...

"JJO Organization Info"

“5 JJO Organization Info"

if you make a JJO anything that's not official

100% have to no matter what use in your title of your JJO group 4 things

1.  the name JJO   

2.  the name or a type of JJO group you are   in one English or American word

3.  1 of the 4 focuses at least what your group or thing is about   

4. . The pecking order of officialness


facebook group

JJOJamesG followers 2 temp 

1         2         3  4

100% have to no matter what use in your title of your JJO group 4 things

1.  the name JJO   

2.  the name or a type of JJO group you are   in one English or American word

3.  1 of the 4 focuses at least what your group or thing is about   

4. . The pecking order of officialness


facebook group

JJOJamesG followers 2 temp 

1         2         3  4

JJO meeting place

Morley Park

Address: Morley Ave, Rocky River, OH 44116

JJO meeting place

12:00 EST dark or light for 1 hour JJO talk

JJO RULE CODE of 4 coeses wack wacks

need an inspector to make sure it's not a subterfuge

the 4 Focuses of the JJO are 

1 jamesG only or for jamesG 

2 general 

3 groups 

4 mixed

the pekking order of offialness 

1 Offical      = made by jamesG

2 Semi Offical = in-between unofficial and official

3 Unoffical    = when it becomes the main thing to use in the JJO without jamesG having anything to do with it

4 Temp         = someone anyone making a JJO thing.

can make your own shit if you 

based on the 4 focuses with the pecking order of officialness

1 JJOjamesG

2 parking oder of officialness status 

3 one of the 4 focuses 

4 the name of what it is


1. JJO 2. Unofficial 3. 4. Gun

 JJO Unofficial Gun

pecking order struture

JamesG the monarch    of the JJO internally can also be CEO if Choose and will be at least at the start if not forever

the Monarch JamesG will comity


CEO and the boards


the rest of the COs


Chief director and vice Chief director


lead director         1 per 8 or 6 directors

directors             1 per 4 to 16 workGroups

coordinator           1 per 4 or 8 workGroup

JJO-JJSociety.business JJO-JJSociety.agency

Manager Supervisor     1 per workgroup of 8 at least 4

workers               4 to 8 per workGroup

every 10 Employees can vote on a manager or Supervisor if vote on the manager first the manager can pick the Supervisor while working for free

the only way this structure works is the WWW.JJO.World website and the JJO constitution

“give credit where it's due because if you don't no credit will go to you and if you don't give credit who will.” quote

to be a coordinator or higher you must go to this website once a day and look at things if you have any ideas send them to my email and read the whole website if possible managers should always have access to it, and coordinators or higher should read the whole JJO consitution one day not just the website.

without this JJO constitution, there would be no way of making it a huge amazing org which is partly written on this website.

will work for free at first

then when money starts rolling in paid minimum wage after working for at least 1 year can get a raise if a more than others valuable worker

on the days off we will have a gaming community you can join using your work rank in the game maybe in Arma 3 or Rust in our own server to make a JJO gaming Org.

and we will use parts of the feudal system

Ranks position

Section One.

alphas a more Superior as a strong person not in muscle but in characters natural

betas fallower or deputy to the alpha

jamesG leads alphas and their betas

leaders followers

good for the JJO under jamesG

bad for the JJO under JamesG

JJO Class parts




will use upper or lower part of the class then any class 

JJO-jamesg. company.management

higher.upper               = upper management, can be promoted to a board member, and still be upper management 

higher.lower               = upper management 

upper                      = worker can be promoted to, lower management 

lower.medium  Class        = worker can be promoted to, lower management

lower.low Class            = workers

Section Two.



needs a reason why and how before making this discernment

can not be management if bad for the JJO under JamesG

only can be management if good for the JJO under jamesG

witch  needs to be found out before making anything other than worker 


leader ranks

JamesG TopHeadLeader is the highest, no matter what 4...

higher leader for 1...

Leader of 3...

assistant leader of 2...

  higher leader for 2...

higher.upper.medium Class                =  gets to be a higher leader than normal higher.upper leaders 

  Leader of 3...

higher.upper                             = can be more of a leader no matter what, with the title higher.upper of any Class there in

  the assistant leader of 1...

higher.lower                             = also can be an assistant leader 

alphas betas

this may be refined later


Stock holders of SubDs

there can be more than one SubD of the same type that works separately but together you can only have at least 5% stock per stockholder or less than %5 from 0 minimum at the highest %5.  

when you won Stock in a Dpart.D.SubD you can only own one of the SUbD of that name of the mutable of that Stock. 

you cannot own stock in a DPart.D is not allowed.

and Dparts are owned by 

for example 

the DPart.D.SubD 

you must give something to be a stockholder and contribute more than others.

DPart can only be owned by the org and the monarch JamesG who is the creator of the JJO and wrote the JJO Constitution and no own can have stock in the JJO or ownership over anything other than a SubD only one of the SubDs of the same name. 

and all stockholders need to have one representative of their ownership on a board of "JJO IJCCA board of stockholders"

and the stock stockholder's ability and power are limited under the one SUBD of the DPart.D.SubD they have stock in and does not have any jurisdiction

jamesG owns the company and the ShareHolders can have at max %5 Share 0ut of %90 of 100.

JamesG owns the must of all the JJO.

hand all stock and shareholders must follow and obey the Constitution.

the JJO itself gets stock as well along with jamesG the monarch of the JJO.

the stock goes to the JJO and the shares give stock to the JJO in some way. within the JJO Constitution JJO Constitution can not be changed and must be consistent without contradiction what comes first created by JamesG takes priority over what's made by others and what comes after. 

the DPart owned the Dpart.D and the Dpart.D owns the DPart.D.SubD of the official JJO click names Dpart.D.SubD.

and what they do is determined by the name of what the click names is. the lcik names are like perimeter like strings or lines as determined by the JJO Constitution no one owns the Constitution the Constitution must have maximum power and control over the rest just the part written by JamesG the creator and founder and monarch of the JJO Constitution.

can not buy stock or share in anything other than the JJO Constitution says you can.

The shareholders belong to the click names DubD they own stock in and they must tribute.

the Dparts and the Dpart.Ds are Separate.  

each sub-companys aka SUbDs will have a number counting up of the ones with the same name.