
JJO JamesGuilds Agency info

JamesGuild Agency

0 JamesGuild Agency resources 

1 JamesGuild Agency reserve 

2 JamesGuild Agency servants 

3 JamesGuild Agency espionage 

4 JamesGuild Agency guards 

5 JamesGuild Agency teachers 

word 1 and 2 is JamesGuild 3 is Agency as that what we are as a group 4 is the offcial thing you are 5 is whats owned by the first 4 revent too 4 


0 JamesGuild12 Agency3 resources4 gatherers5 

1 JamesGuild12 Agency3 reserve4 inventory5

3 JamesGuild12 Agency3 espionage4 spies

3 JamesGuild12 Agency3 espionage4 secrets

4 JamesGuild12 Agency3 guards4 of JamesG5

4 JamesGuild12 Agency3 guards4 of reserve5

5 JamesGuild12 Agency3 teachers4 science5

5 JamesGuild12 Agency3 teachers4 business5

5 JamesGuild12 Agency3 teachers4 Combat5

Each of these 5 plus 0 groups need a manager in supervisor and for workers too 8  

need 1 coordinator for all the mangers too talk to

Need 1 manager per word4

need 1 Supervisor per word4

need 4 too 8 workers