


provides protection for JamesG and his property  and stuff of his to prevent people from taking it away
and his company and agency
and can protect the people in the company and agency
and make thing for protection like dogs and guns tasers and set set of these that can be stander sundered
that can be used non_lethally,lethal,just_damage
and make sure at have something to cover wounds with

make sure thing you make  will have the JJO  brand on it because it belongs to the JJO

if you have husky's they are treated better then other dogs if guard dog let them be live no matter what give them impotent give each bread of husky a impotent symbolic meaning 

they can be a dependable  valued animal like guards of something special
give each husky  a impotent  role

if you want deplorable dogs find a different bread
all breads of husky will be  used for s spacial purples and when they retire should be able to be used as someones pet that can be a well trained pet and let them die of old age not being put down if possible