
Important Rules of this Agency
Do not offer the services till its set up and ready as Instructed

make sure you have all 4 focuses

make sure you don't use m ore space then you need for storage unless your already going to use it

This Is  Click name Dpart 2 Agency Click name Dpart 2 is JamesGs Dpart
this one is a Storage Agency For JamesG make sure if they use the storage its for JamesG
and keep track of all storage made in case its misused or something is stolen

Use labels to identify  the Storage
and use the 4 focues when making anything storage under 2 as a sub 4 focuses of 2 dont need to make it 2 then number as long as you see its for storage you will know and make sure you check in  the 4 forces

and if you have a storage locker ake sure there is a live feed with motion detention out side the storage
for many good reasons like to make sure people do not steal it and the other reason above
and to know if someone brakes in

everything that has anything to do with storage needs at least one of the 4 focuses on it as a identify whats its used for

in a bg enough space
make a section neatly for each of the 4 focuses as a sub 4 to the forces of the 4 focuses
like 2.3
a area for 2 and a place a place for 3 in it
like people that help jamesG maybe as a company to have bullet resistant vests to use and put back in a place when done you ask to keep one per person and log that that was taken and say that vest belongs to her or him to help jamesg

2.2 a place where only jamesG is allowed access where people that may trust it wont get stolen can put a gift there for him, or something like jamesGs property can be be stored safely
these need camera in  and out side of storage for anyone that puts something in can see live if something is happening so it can be looked into and id a problem stopped and reported

everything in this  this storage must have a picture or and a label taken of it for it is know it was there,
and the people that Store it will have access to a live feed on a app on a phone to see out side of the storage with monition detection and JamesG needs a live feed of all of these places as well make sure theres a way to see all of them for JamesG can see it
and if someone stores something they mjust have access to a live feed to thing being storage
and a inner recording with motion detection to see if anyone if doing anything with whats being stored
this is for jamesG 2.2 only

for anyone that wants to store the own stuff in JamesGs company will have a Storage limit per person
each person needs a id to use to get in with a picture and a name and a eye color

must be as  this says no more options or someone has to get in  trouble
it is needed to do this exactly as this site says or the org will not be able to function  perfectly as intended and be consistent

and 2.3.3
can be storage for the company 
but will be treated the same as 2,1 and if there doing something for jamesG they can use 2.3 



and a set skin color to choose from

and a optional DNA ancestors race
witch can be more then one of whats above

and all this info will be added to a JJO data base for JJO people can be without a picture just info maybe also picture a will be optional picked by the one that is filling out the info.
this data base can be used for employs to use thing like JJO-JamesG.compmay.storage
that will be making them more special then others for no one steal what they get they need a JJO id
Make sure other JJO click names can help when they are built

make sure thing you make  will have the JJO  brand on it because it belongs to the JJO