
Crew types

JamesG 23 crew              = 2    

JJO JamesG 23 crew          = 4 

JJO JamesG 32 crew          = 3 

 JJO recruits 3 Crew        = 1


JamesGs  group  for him


group that does things for jamesG 32 crew less in rank


just untrust worthy recruits  


can be used for the whole JJO

A Idea 1

Ranks positions 

Section One.

alphas betas

jamesG leads alphas and there betas

leaders followers

good for the JJO under jamesG

bad for the JJO under JamesG

witch  will be used as Labels fpr the people of out dichotomy

JJO Class parts




example a way of doing things 

in JJO-jamesg.compnay.management 

and JJO-JJSociety.business._                   

Will work together

will use upper or lower part of class then any class 


higher.upper               = upper management, can be promoted to a board member, and still be upper management 

higher.lower                = upper management 

upper                             = worker can be promoted to, lower management 

lower.medium  Class = worker can be promoted to, lower management

lower.low Class           = workers

Section Two.



needs a reason why and how before making this discernment

can not be management if bad for the JJO under JamesG

only can be management if good for the JJO under jamesG

witch  needs to be found out before making anything other then worker 


leader ranks

JamesG TopHeadLeader the highest, not matter what  4

higher Rank Leader for 2...

JamesGs loyal  Leader of 3...

assistant leader of 1...

read the business. section  to know hwere to put them when you need to

when we have leaders use this to  label  and manage them 

       higher Rank Leader for 2...  

higher.upper.medium Class    =  gets to be a higher leader then not above medium Class leaders 

             JamesGs loyal  Leader of 3... loyal to JamesG, is allowed to talk to jamesG when  JamesG is willing

higher.upper                                = can be more of a leader no matter what, with the title higher.upper of any Class there in

  assistant Leader of 1...

higher.lower                                 = also can be a assistant leader 

they must fallow the rules

alphas betas

this maybe refined later