
JamesGirl mandatory Agreement

agreement written at wen 25 oc 2023  5:44 AM

recently updated at 1 1 2024 12:21PM


the jamesGirl Brand is based on the 4 focuses of the JJO

1 general what you are

2 and 3 JamesGirl as the brand

4 mixed harem or exiles

you can have more than one 1

your 1s have to be something about you, that is what you are "in" and "to" the jamesGirls

prioritize your 1s importance to the JamesGirls highest to lowest on a list

ones that are official on the pecking order of officiousness are...

Committed JamesGirl

whore JamesGirls

JamesGirls harem

JamesGirls Exiles

Committed JamesGirl Harem

older JamesGirls Exile

if you're older than the age of 40 you are an older jamesGirl and not allowed in the harem if you have sex with other men you are a whore JamesGirl and you are not allowed in the harem all jamesGirls have a minimum Committed that their feet and nipples belong to jamesG can not let other men touch them and try to keep them from seeing them, you need a Commitment and if you can't Commit this you can't Commit anything, you must be pushed and pay a fee if you brake it or be forced to leave if possible.

you must think of 4 things that you have never done for any other male or person 1 sexual and 1 non sexual the other two you choose have to be something James would enjoy and benefit from.

try to make a group of females that have your official jamesGirl brand title in common you can you that as a way to serve James

Committed JamesGirl

whore JamesGirls

JamesGirls harem

JamesGirls Exiles


JamesGirls harem Prude

JamesGirls harem Exwhore

JamesGirls Exiles unappealing

JamesGirls Exiles Older

JamesGirls Exiles whore 

even when an exile is still a JamesGirl and must group up with other JamesGirl exiles and serve as a JamesGirl

you must survey JamesG as a JamesGirl no matter what kind you are just to figure out how to serve him.

ones a JamesGirl you must promise no matter what type you become you will always be a JamesGirl.

you can get money as a jamesGirl and give some of it to a  resource JamesGirl Savings

some will be used for jamesG some will be used for something that all the JamesGirls possible can use that can Benefit JamesG or help you serve him, like a Home JamesGirls Harem or a Home JamesGirls exiles, one a jamesGirl always just the type will change if not a harem then an exile of that harem but still a JamesGirl and have to JamesGirl things.

when we make a religion some of you will be like nuns in the... 

Covenant of JamesGirl Sisterhood and run and go to a Church of JamesGirl Sisterhood

we will have a JJO JamesGirl Company

we will make a Female community you have children you will try to make them a place in the JJO

and if you are in the JamesGirl Harem you will have artificial insemination between the ages of 38 and 40 if you are 40 you have to do it right away if you still can have a baby, for the JJO can live forever.


DO not Cheat on JamesG.

Remember you must make sure you surve jamesG when you can.

make sure other JamesGirls surve JamesG and do not cheat on JamesG and if this fails punish them.

Defend JamesG against bad things they will harm him without harming or doing bad things to JamesG yourself. 

you will call jamesG 

1 first word Master.

2 second word is jamesG.

3 Third word what I am to you if a wife or Concubine husband, if a surveillant Boyfriend if we spent time together and like each other.

4 Fourth Word optional what I am to the Different types of official Unofficial JamesGirl titles you are and share with others based on what you do.

Example Master JamesG BoyFriend 4th Undecided 

as said before your nipples and feet belong to me they are not just your property its James's property too and more James's property than yours he has a right to it by calling yourself a JamesGirl you are agreeing to this after reading this.

which means you must offer it to me when there are only Females around if you think I'd like it and I can touch them any time I'd like and you must thank me for it no matter where and when 

you are in the JamesGirl Harem your whole body can belong to me and will be treated the same as the feet and nipples in this agreement

you must also tell JamesG the 4 things you have never done with anyone else and never will as said in this agreement if he asks or just when talking if you never told him before if you figured out what they are

some Official 4 Focuses of the JJO JamesGirl Names

JamesGirl Exiles

JamesGirl Harem

Prude JamesGirl Harem

ExWhore JamesGirl Harem

Older JamesGirl Exiles

Whore JamesGirl Exiles

whores and EXwhores

Ex whores are just like having an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend but you being a whore is your ex,

prudes are the poller opiate of whore they are not the same you can not be both logically.

it takes 4 months a least to be a ex-whore which means no sex with any other person and not allowing people to see you naked and not dressing like a slut or a prostitute.

Church of JamesGirl Sisterhood

Covenant of JamesGirl Sisterhood 

Home of the JamesGirl Harem

Home of the JamesGirl Exile

JamesGirl Company

JamesGirl Business 

JamesGirl if the brand of the JamesGirls

resource JamesGirl Savings you will use the 4 focuses of the JJO for 4 resource Pots the way it is written on his website or in the Constitution to put money and other resources into a Reserve and keep an inventory of what is it and what is taken out to make sure thing don't get stolen

jamesG can use all 4 resource Pots in the Intended 4 focus of the JJO if he chooses and you will try and stay away from other men when doing this

needed Jobs for the JamesGirls

Guard JamesGirl of the Home

Unit den mother of 2 people as a unit for a region of JamesGirl Homes

Some of the Unit den mother Jobs will be making sure all the rules in this agreement are being followed

and you promise to serve James if you are a JamesGirl and every Tuesday think of at least one moral that is good for the JamesGirls for you to work on and adopt and masturbate to the image or the thought of jamesG on every Tuesday as well also, try and do no fab November no sex no masturbating but if you need to do something Tuesday you can easier control your sexual urges for it does not rule your life also show a ritual commitment to JamesG and help get your urges out as a commitment with JamesG instead of full-blown slut life this will help you control your urges and make it easier to claim your life and be more moral.

and remember to fulfill your quota Girls 

and every time you call JamesG Master JamesG you are proving you know the agreement 

reading this means you are aware of this and agree to all that is said in this agreement