
JamesG Clan  Blood family descendant policy

JamesG's Clan blood family descendant policy

JamesG's children will all be part of the JamesG clan as JamesG as there common ansister there father and there chlren and there chrens chilren so on so forth.

all JamesGs chilren will be reqired to have taken a sybling test to see if there brother and sister or brother and brother or sister and sisster.

and all of them will need and be reqired to take a test to see if jamesG is there father and if they think anuther is there father needs 

to take a test with them as well to see if there related and how.

and all members of the JamesG clan will need to be raised and be asked and to be  and do 

The 4 things all of JamesG's Clan will be required to have. 

1 be modest and moral preferred  prude is possible

2 to know there part of the JamesG clan and to serve and honor him and that there common assister is JamesG and to know things about him.

3 to get togther as a family and stay connected in a family group in some way.

4 do the first 3 all togther as a thing togther as a family like making a company.

to do 1 they need to be sheltered from sex for at least 8 years to 10.

and in the 10 years they must be provided with leaning how to read math and 1 marshilart or fighting style and must have access to a phone if possible or something of the sort.

and if the JJO the James.Just.Org has anything JamesGs Clan of the JamesG clan will have a nobility of the monarch blood line of the JJO or more if real of JamesG's clan.

being a noble of the monarch blood line and being of JamesG's clan of the JJO or more if real will give you the right of chief or higher if elidable and they must be required to do the 4 things i ask of all my children and pass it down to there children. 

non of JamesG's children is allowed to be killed or aborted must live.

and they all must have protection to keep them alive at least for the first 20 years of life if pssoible.

and they will not be allowed to do any drugs that gets you high or and damage the brain ever and if someone pushes it on them they must be punished, and all of the JamesG.

 Clan must be taught if anyone trys pushing drugs on them be aggressive and tell them no and say its wrong to push this one someone.

and this while text must be know to all JamesG's children  and of his Clan