
hidden thing look around

put in your discord name in the harem the JJO class you par part of in the harem

along with a name

Discretion Of the one and only male
allowed to have anything to do with the harem

Description of the One and only Male that has to do with the Harem good.
without destroying the harem and turning it into a horse house bad.

His name is JamesG
he was born in the year 1995 He has
blond hair dark blond on his head, lighter blond beard
Blue eyes
long eye leashes
long perfect eye browns if there there all natural
a widows peek hair line
pail skin
Huge Feet

one not so good thing has a bit of a belly right now

my taste

and like females that are willing to not be a slut
if they where a slut and slut permissive with other males that will stop for JamesG
and only be with him and other Females
like modest females would like you to read this page
and put your self in a class in this harem at least

like Boobs of all sizes

weather you in the harem or not if you a attractive females that support jamesGs harem
should make a J with there fingers thumb and pointer finder with the two fingers in the middle
down with the pinky up like a i love you sign and the pointer finger in the shape of a lower case r
meaning you want to ravish JamesG

and can put the two middle fingers on the vagina  as you mater bate as a as Sign for JamesG and his harem

if you want to be a recruit into the harem you need to start no matter what kind of attractive female you are by wearing socks no matter what when males can see you,
to show you can be Committed to him and will always do this
the second thing is never allow any male to see your nipples other then JamesG

if your a cam girl you can start with the socks
and renumber what class you in in the harem
because different classes has different standers

if you are a cam girl you will be in low Class
but what section of low class

first figure what class your
High Class          = must be born into or put into by JamesG and archive perfection
must be in Medium Class before allowed into high
Medium Class   = for real sky blues and prudes and people of that common theme
Low Class           = Sluts or ex sluts that ever had more then 10 people
the had sex with without being only with them an no one else at the time in a relationship
or ever had more then one orgy
that's the standers for the harem there more for the rest of the JJO that has this in common

then find out witch part of the Class your in


if your not in upper your in lower

can only get higher if you Loyal to JamesG with a reason why like love or other reasons

and a Limiter even if you have the thing about you below, you must also be closer to high class
like a skyblue JJO code word as well or a prude like in low class if your a slut be a ex slut to
to be in upper you must have one Good thing about you like being fit or really good looking
or Really Smart and proof by what you can do with it within the rules of the harem

JamesGirls Harem

start on the bottom  and go up


recruit sets
4 ExSlut status if your a slut, needed to get member
must do 4 mouths  of a sexual, 
3 find at least 2 females to support the harem 
2 find 4 things that only JamesG you will do for and never did with someone else with 
at least one being "sexual and one being non sexual that befit jamesG more then anone else"
and write it down with your name  on it as proof of the agree ment
and try to make it under the 4 focuses 
1 where socks and make sure no males see your feet other then jamesG,
because if you cant commit to wearing socks around all males
and more and only allow jamesG to see your feet without, how can you be committed at all 

My Taste

like Boobs of all sizes
like females under the the age of 40 years old and young the better
do not like fat females its are but some female with little fat can loom do able

Must Find out witch part of the classes you are in

that induces the higher and lower and upper parts that you can read on how to use the classses of the JJO by reading "JJO Organization INFO"

Divide the Harem in the parts of each class it would apply to in the harem

do Jobs for JamesG when working in other parts of the JJO only sexual with females and JamesG in the harem
only females are allowed in the harem, because jamesG is "hydro sexual male" 

The Jobs you do since its in click name DPart 2 JamesG needs to be fore jamesG no one else,
not the JJO as a hole, for jamesG or for the Group for JamesG that helps JamesG in effect on how it helps the group helps jamesG
like giving the groups something that helps them helps jamesG like a tool given to someone that uses tools to help jamesG

other rules and random info

purple is the color for the highest higher class females in the harem of jamesG only
if you love jamesG or have feelings for him you maybe able to be lobal enought to join the Purple part of the harem

witch is a banner for the must loyal of JamesG harem if you love him you will be effectively loyal in almost all cases

the harem belongs to JamesG the harem for JamesG only will have its own part of the JJO

and only females are allowed in the harem no matter what

there not allowed to sleep with other men sexuality no sexual contact with other men this harem is mostly for woman to commit jamesG

JamesG is the only one with a Harem of the JJO no Matter what
Loyalty Takes the place of royalty for JamesG only the one the only JamesG

in the harem there will be only females for JamesG
that is like state of it own of the JJO the Belongs the JamesG only


it can be cmpared to like the amazons all females for only james the only male
will add the respectable woman's movement.

is it was a castle for example

female's will be the only woman's allowed or able to be in other then jamesG
females will be snide the castle and guarding the walls and will guard the boarder like a archer with the walls of the calcite 
and the territory  will be decided into the 4 focuses
at least 1 of the parts of the 4 focuses the 3 one will be to watching and managing the harem for jamesG to make sure the do not cheat and if they do it logged and if there a offical or semi offiecal part of the harem there will be a convenience for cheating

and no matter what you need to put your clas you are in the harem when able to id your self like jamesG said

and the harem can call them self on the right side of the first part of the wack wack "|" JamesG.harem._.Class._.FemaleType._  of the click name



and the official click names for the harem that is made by JamesG is


JJO-JamesG.Compnay.herem|| maybe



the classes of the harem will have the 4 focuses on it like ether of the 4 classes
Class plus what below 4

higher will be 2
upper will be 3
Lower will be 1

and higher.upper.low

JamesGs Girls Words meanings to know
for the JamesG harem

females only in the harem

Females = a gender based on genitalia born into to thins world with a whole between legs

woman = a older female or grown and mature

lady ladies = a maybe prude like female that has a good refined moral class proper upper class like

girls = a female that is youthful very young
if someone older is called a girl it could mean something like how they may see them

Bitch = a carnivores thing that is can be unpleasantness  that is made like a dog owned sometimes
like JamesGs Bitch

Commuted  relationship Cheating = is when someone is in a committed relationship and they brake it by having sexually based things with other people like boy friend and girl friend

its cheating and that's bad to do and is not allowed it can ruin the herm 
so if they cheat they may need to be kicked out depending on who it was with Male or female and if it was on purpose lol
if they where in the harem 

rape = sex that you do not want or agree too normally hurts people and violates them
if you have sex with someone while they are asleep or countenance  they are being raped but the person raping is having sex but the person your having sex with is being raped.

slut = someone that has sex with many people that needs to be separated out of the group to protect the harem
for they do not ruin the harem
this example happens naturally

if you sleep with lots of people of a gender sexually things with them
to if you cheating  on your boyfriend and have more then one person you sexual things with your a slut and a whore

sluts are almost always also whores
horrible whore Bad!

if you sleep with someone when your in a relationship your a  slut whore
you need to be slut to be a whore  by definition,
if you Sluts are almost always bad people because they do bad things with sex that hurts living things
if you rape Multi-able while they sleep that make you a slut even if your not a whore still a slut.
if you Sleep with Multi able people sexually when your in a committed relationship
its very hard almost in possible to be a slut whiteout being a whore to

whore = like a prostitute a promiscuous or immoral person that can uses sex for profit because of being a whore

prostitute = someone that uses sexual for profit  as a JOB or work, like many as there life job with someone there not in a relationship
types of prostitute
Sex Jobs work that not really work its sex
Sex HOOKERs that get paid

prudence-prude = modest and proper and is conses of risks and will not normally take them if it gets in the way of modest morals

JamesG harem aka The harem of the JJO
things some of the things to do

all females in any class in the harem needs to do thing of 4 things that she will only do for jamesG
at least one sexual and one not sexual to jamesG only to save for him
try to base them of the 4 focuses if you are able

you must know there's only one male that's is allowed to do anything with the harem
and thats JamesG

all harem girls should pleasured them self's ones a week to jamesG
a picture or in person, or imagine him

remember jamesG wants what he calls
a committed relationship with his harem girls when possible
that can be  what he calls
Monogamy polygamy committed relationship  when possible
a couple females committed in a relationship with jamesG
must the couple of females will couple up and jamesG will have many
they can be called jamesGs Girls or JamesGirls

a female Monogamy couple with JamesG the one and only male added to the relationship  automatically

the age limit is 39 under the age of 40 years old
younger the betters i was born in 1995, 27 of the year 2023

if you females get sexual pleasured or see me sexily and you look attractive
you must please me if i get nothing out of you getting pleasures from Me
you must please me later and try to make it two times as extreme with me JamesG of pleasures then before it when you did
and if i messed out on it in any way you have to by every females infimal has to
if you can't get Female different female for me to do it for you

to me jamesG only no cheating or bad things in that way

Some Parts of the Harem uniforms

parts of class, some uniform things

When possible = Wear Cloths that have JJO colors the symbolize your self in the JJO, A J Symbolizing Symbolizing JamesG

all                         = bra, socks, shirt, when ever possible under wear,

High Class          = taser, Pepper Defiance weapon, Chastity Belt, and a Blade that you can carry
medium Class  = Chastity Belt
Low Class          = a J something maybe make a J with there body in some way or have a J on there body, symbolizing JamesG

parts of Classes...
higher._             = taser, Pepper  spray
higher.upper   = Chastity Belt
higher.lower    = Socks
upper._              = jjo cloths with the colors needed
lower._               = a J something maybe make a J with there body in some way or have a J on there body, symbolizing JamesG 

Some more Harem Rules

do not cheat if you do one and done your out after you commit no more other men no second chances
if you have had sex with more then 5 different guys in your teens then your a slut more then 8 in 20s then slut more then 15 in your 30s Big Slut
if you had more then one Orgy with men you are always you are always in Low Class in the JJO and this harem out of the 3 classes
you can have 5 mouths Asexual life other then Masterbating to EXslut status 

Neet things you can do in the harem for the harem

                                                                                  JamesGirles Harem Chasity Belt Couples
if you are in a couple as a lesbians 2 females for JamesG you can wear a Chasity belt and your female that you a coupled with monogamy, polygamy, monogamy for the JamesGirls Harem Girls, but many couples that make it polygamy for JamesG, jamesG is auto added to the relationship in the harem of cores,
and you and you couple will have 2 different Chasity belt looks, maybe or the same ether way different keys and you both will have the others key, and unlock it when your partner of jamesGirls harem aka the Harem,
this will keep you committed and not cheat and keep people from encouraging you to cheat as easily, Chasity belt are very good for the harem, you maybe not the right class but if you are not the right class may may ware if you want ones a couple but is required to where no matter what if you are alone or in a couple,

Some This to know

you can keep the Chasity belt on almost for ever, only take it of for sex and birth,
you can wear it in the shower if its a the right one,
you can sit and poop with it on in the toilet, and since your a female the pee will come out the back while you site 

Songs for the harem to sing
made by JamesG and Psychic Community  

Official JamesGirls Harem songs

J wick JamesGs dick birthday  song
JamesG put a wick in his dick shaped the Wick in a J
called it J wick they made it their flame and sang happy birthday Females say James Wick dick is so hot dick with a j wick
needs to be blown away or else the fame will burn his dick too hot and will not be the same,
JamesGirls harem needs j wick dick to be the same for they can play there game when its the day to be his flame.

dont cheat if sleep being a creep when your suppose to be to be with JamesGs
he must know for you can go so the harem can exits for more.
but if you lie someone will die and we will cry for the lie will make the harem Fry maybe die, goodbye the one true harem guy
and we will be nasty horses of instead of beauty,
please help we protect the JamesGirls harem  Sanatatea or else we will be nothing but a one of many groups of nothings sleeping with everybody no real meaning only pleasure not for higher for to be in love maybe for ever witch is better
, if you try i will not lie we will be happy
with our guy our JamesG the harem for we to be happy with a new life to be instead of Degeneracy ecstasy, witch hurts the worthy men for shes, we should only be with one man or else we will be  can be nothing worthy,
will never have what is mssing because we are not worthy to be with a man the worth to be and no body but he
so please join me the the JamesGirls Harem Community 

Names of Female groups

committed JamesGirls Harem
committed JamesGirls Harem JamesGuards
Harem JamesGuards
supervisors JamesGirls Harem
managers JamesGirls Harem
JamesGirls Harem

is there is whore trying to bring men in what are some thing that should be done

kick them out or move them septate from the rest forever one and done move them out and watch them maybe if still under control make sure they stay that way or removed completely.

make sure theres a safe place for the "committed JamesGirls Harem" to live togther
and make sure there's preventive manures like taser and pepper spry or thing of the sort to keep people unable to come into the area and or disable them then removes them if non lethal