
Things to do

if someone brake there role in this page of JamesG relationships Report it and make sure JamesG can know like emailing or telling him

Rules and things based on things you are
for having to with JamesG

Female in relation to jamesG Rules and things

  if want to do more then friend things, even i you do this with all your friends a slut  or also whore,
  tell me let me know what your body count is or as close as you can get to truth, for i can choose our relationship 

i do want love and if lust i may want love at some point so if you get love do not  sexy with any other  males then JamesG me,
but can still have sexy time with Females  and if you you join the harem that will be out calture,

Heterosexual sexual people
if your with a man you should not sleep with men other then you one that thinks  where in a committed relationship, and if you do you need his permission and he needs to know

Bisexual sexual people
if your willing to be with only one male me JamesG maybe you can join my harem, if i find you attractive, dont cheat if you get that far
and you can bring some girls, and you can... surve me JamesG if you please and if you jonin plasure may happen somes as a thing for me JamesG and females only, Btw

Gay aka to females Lesbian
Homosexual sexual people
  im not sure if you exist as a female only seeping with and asexually things with female,
but ether way if you only sleep with females and you are attractive to me, maybe join my harem if your willing, and maybe we can do things ( ;  ,  the harem means no other males only females keep other males out, and and me JamesG,

Males in relaltion to JamesG Rules and things

Heterosexual sexual people
  If like Friend         lets do shit when able have some fun and plan with me to do shit

Do not  sex with and try not to be sexual with any female im with or is for me,
if your close to me it destroy it will destroy our friend ship if we are friends

Bisexual sexual people

Homosexual sexual people
  if has anything to do with me,    you know your gay, know i am Heterosexual sexual Straight, and i may joke around but i am not going to even be attracted to you


Do not steel from me
do not sleep with my female friends that maybe with me
and try to be a good friend 

JGSFC or JGFC jamesG.symbolic.Family.Clan, can be for symbolic family maybe needed prolonged exporter and emotional connect to be part of or my kind or wifes

Female relationships types

there will be different classes of females in the harem  find your class for  you can find your place in the harem 
Committed to JamesG in the harem is needed and must try to make sure all females keep there commitment 

In the harem, when it gets big
there will be different types of females and sitter Jamesg sisterhood paced on the propitiations jamesg gives you that you have in common with other females of the harem, if your in a sisterhood you can not have sex with other males no matter what as a part of the sister hood

Special relationships
Gril Friend s -= can me silly with jamesG only can be sexual when JamesG is the only male around with jamesG
Concubine    = no other males allowed to be with in any way no man is allowed to see your nipples or pussy and not allowed to have sex with you, and your love and your nipples belongs to JamesG
Servants        =  you do things as a constant job for JamesG also can be used in the Harem

different addons to relationships
sexual agreement in exchange a for ever Service for or to JamesG
Noble Concubine 
Noble Servants

Sexual is on if your in the harem or relationship before 40 years of age, younger the better
and attractive female

you can mix relationship together like, Harem Gril Friend s sexual agreement

Do not cheat before or during the commitment, like some slut whores do at there bachelorette parties if you do one and done your out you can even be friends and you should and if possible get the living shit beat the fuck out of you, i
ts extremally Disrespectful
its a really big Betrayal

and it defeats the meaning of things like marriage,
a Commitment based the rings mean your bond to each other your vows are what you say you will do as a agreement of the manage you have a commitment you will not cheat no sex with other males in any way,
the white dress means your pure like a virgin, so if you make your white wedding dress sluty by as how too much like boobs, your saying the dress is just a lie, and who knows what esle is

Info about Gender relashionships

males and females have to be segregated, and separated, or else you maybe a third wheel or less, even when you the only one there sometimes maybe,

i am 100% hydro sexual only asexually attracted to females in any way,
so i will always have different Relationships with males and female, by my nature

hydro sexual
will usually get along just dont mess with my females, and if they mess with you let me know, have proof and what happened if possible like a recording.
respect my boundaries, and know i am straights hydro sexual
homo sexual
i will be nice as long as you dont act like a fagget as whole get a boy friend if you want one know i am not gay, and we will get along

can be plunsinc read up on my ahrem if you are intrested
i must agree to everthing you can do with me, if not its a crime that needs to be pushed
and anything sexual with me only females are allowed to be  having anything to do with it at all with me in any way
and we can be friends i do enjoy female company as along as there not abusive rapist whores

there's a  conspiracy fallowing me where females rape me hopefully only females,
of females raping me, and i have no idea how they do it,
if you do this or get involved you must never rape any males at all and if you rape me i must be the only one or else we will not get along because of  how im trying to cope with the pain it will be too much pain if you dont fallow this rules
you must make it up to me what you did to me and all the pain you caused me, and must ask for agreement for the  anything you do with me and must do it the way i ask or i just wont be able to handle it,
and tell me anything they did to me, help me have intel,  with the  gaol of coverting  those rapist to my harem and fallow all these rules
or  be whats prefers the rest is a compromise on what i want that is what i need at the Mnium , punish them. and allow me to touches them and do that i need to  get whats right , and  you can and should do put them in a situation where they are no long a threat,
and if there is men involved if they live they must get there dick and ball cut off and maybe more,

for justice by our government just does not exist in my experience they do not help rape Victims and raoe is a horrible crime because of what it does to to people it courses so much in incredible pain and horror