
4 focuses of goverment things of the

 general  population
#1 for the people of the JJO, JamesG, and the JJO, under jamesG

The Name        "JJO JamesG peoples congress"

requirements for JJO JamesG peoples congress
1 in America use one park county at most as a place of meeting
2 display of this website to see what  JamesG wrote for the JJO and when altercated JamesGs JJO CONSITUTION if jamesG allows
3 managers and super visors and a JJO speaker under 1 of 4
,1 JJO rules speaker determined by this website and the JJO Constitution
.2 JamesG supporters 
,3 peoples that can represent each JJO group
.4 a meeting in fronts of everyone talking together 
4 every Friday or more if you want at 12:00 its light out side can meet at the park

JamesG  only or and for JamesG
#2 monarch JamesG meetings and more

The Name        "Monarch JamesG Will Comity"...

if and when possible make a have a table
with 2 people on each smaller end making up 4 total or 1 at each end prefer 2 at each end
and 1234 1234 8 total on the other  other sides when possible or just 4
can use internet if not possible

#3 JJO Constitution 4 boards of congress
for all part the the JJO to have a higher g power its time

can be made after the first three are fully formed


1 Everything in the JJO is constitutional based on the JJO Constitution that was written by JamesG the monarch of the JJO.

2 you must make sure the Monarch of the JJO JamesG has must power and authority and freedom within the JJO Constitution supporting it 

and support and allow jamesG to have servants.

3 protect the JJO rights that JamesG gave in the JJO Constitution.

4 do not rape someone rape is a crime that needs consent for sex and to be enjoyed instead of pain or thief for both.

5 taxes must go to 4 types of Reserves based on the 4 focuses of the JJO that belong to the JJO under JamesG.

6 when having a child must verify who the parent is both parents need to be some part of the child's life unless they give up for adoption the father and the mother both are parents equally the parent's Job is to keep the child alive and teach them to survive and if able have the Surve the JJO and the JJO under JamesG or JamesG the monarch of the JJO.

7 must use IJCCA before any attack or violence or act of diplomacy if your not THE Highest monarch of the JJO JamesG. 

8 each part of the JJO the Dparts and the Dpart.D  must be under the one above.

9 all powers and abilities used given by the JJO and JamesG mut have limited use based on using IJCCA and the only personal interest that the powers and abilities of the JJO can be used for is for JmesG monarch of the JJO in a way that benefits him.

10 the JJO thing written by jamesG can not be contradicted if it does its invalid. 

       James.G The Monarch

   the one and only JamesG CE Umpire Monarch of the JJO