
what to do

 and if you make money on it then its a business and make sure you make a safe and bank for the owner and Creator of the JJO JamesG for he can have his funds

the click name for this Agency is  JJO-JJSociety.Agency.Uniform
and if it makes money then its JJO-JJSociety.Business.Uniform
or JJO-JJSociety.Agency.Cloths that based on how things where made for the Agency

Make uniforms for the members of the JJO
for each of the 4 focuses
1. for everyone in general, as JJO cloths like t Shirts with JJO on it
2. for JamesG only things ether thing only for JamesG and no one else can have, or things used for jamesg Only and no one else as the theme of the uniform
3. groups each group can have a uniform based on there job in the JJO
4. mix the first three together with one being the focus of the as a main focus with the there mixing based on that parent theme
and make 4 grades in each of the 4 focuses of 4

and if you sell any of them make this into a boniness and make sure you bank the resource pools like money based on the 4 focuses

fallowing the instructions above
use this to make uniforms for
each of the Click names fallowing the info on the "JJO Organization Info Page" as Guild lines to put thing on the cloths

Official parts to be Enforced for a  uniform 


Minimum Required

Bras Like
Sports Bras,  or other bras, used as underwater bras,  "With a shirt over it"

udder wear Virginia and butt covering underwear


Minimum Required

underwater like
boxer Briefs

a Shirt 

From JamesG Requests


Make a jamesG  Servants of JamesG  get nice cloths  fitting the JJO theme of the tyoe of servant  they are
make sure it fits the type of Servant they are based on what they do as a Servant  
JamesG of the JJO  can choices the special servants will have Limited options of what to wear and only jamesG...
can pick the special servants
make sure there a kind of Servant  cloths for JamesG along with a normal one for all workers to have servant
and worker and agent  themed  Uniform cloths
and make a good dress code for everyone thats not is a special place in there category
do this within the means you have or they have dont ask for something impossible unless they have the means to make it happen
and make sure all the cloths has JJO on it

JamesGuards Uniform
for all JamesGaurds Minimum Requirements
Main always Clothing
A T shirt over Top other torso Cloths, based on what colors That they are of the JJO colors with...
J.Guard or JamesGaurds
long Sleave durable pants, and a belt,  Maybe all will also have,   Brown Pants, preferably Chocolates_Brown Pants
Socks, preferably Crew Socks

Harem JamesGuards Uniform
a T shirt over Top other torso Cloths, based on what colors they are of the JJO colors with H.J.Guard  Harem.jamesGuards
long Sleave durable pants a skirt over the pants,
Boats with steal toes
and for the Harem Guard's no penis and balls on the Guards, Some RTs maybe able to be Harem Gaurds

Taser s of different sorts , and a hand taser for everyone minimum, for every gourd even if they have other tasers
HJGs Are not allowed to enter the harem unless there a intruder

Building JamesGuards Uniform

nice looking boots
a coms device for the building, and maybe other budling attached to the JJO Dpart 2

a way to ID what building there guarding on them open to see
a Name tag

Armed Uniform things

4 focused dedicated arms,
1 weapon for anything in general
2 weapons One in use to do things for JamesG  in general  use for  JamesG or the JJO group under JamesG
                  Second being holster or aside, use for only jamesG that he can grab off off you only if he wants, till you swap witch one you use
3 weapons for group for the JJO or a group under JamesG in the JJO,
1 general use for the group under jamesG or the JJO group your in in General
2 something saved to keep the group used under jamesGs uses or the JJO group under JamesG
3 a saved weapon for the groups use,
4 has the first there like before plus a 4th the is mixed use in some way,

think of ideas of doing this i'll put it in here
suggestions maybe have to use this way one day
2 iif you have 4 focus 2 weapons, suggested, a primary and a secondary

1 general use weapon on your self
3.2 something used for jamesG  only maybe to keep the group working under him right, jamesG can grab it from use when he pleases for

things to get Uniform for based on the 4 focuses
Equipment needed to make as well

have one of the 4 focus with 4 sub 4 Focuses,

the type of equipment
#1 flyers or info to direct people to the JJO website to get in the JJO along with isome info only whats needed direct the rest to the website
#2 tools for a overseer groups supercross  like body cams and listening dvises in the body cams and A Camera Equipment
1.the WWW.JJO.World Website to meet under jamesG in some places
2.supplys to be used to give JamesG control used when justified or JamesG writes here or out lowed in person says
3.info Messager

1. to Protect Thigs for JamesG in general 
2.JamesG only property only jamesG can use, witch is a 2.2 and someone can use for JamesG only and used for no one else in any way
  2.1 Things for JamesG Use benefit in general
  2.3 Used for a group for JamesG only and used for no one else to help
3.JamesG only Workers and doers That do what JamesG SAYS OVER ANONE ELSE and gets shit done right
4.a JamesG give Supply and Resource monitor and protection 

1. multicable key word monitor, use for giving info willing
2. Official authority massager and issue reporting
3. supervisor per group of a working size
4. over sear work groups base


#3 like medical to keep the group live
1. med kit
2. JamesG only use manager tools for a JamesG Endowment Management 
3. purposeful work spaces separated work Areas based on the ways said to separate on this website
4.a Purposeful work supply place that will be Distributed to different groups that have a 4 focus and a sub 4 focus 

#4 meaning thing to Migrate too about the JJO like a room or a phone or app for talking

4 focuses Tactic

Speaking Controle 
1 group in general, to stop them from speaking and to lessen to JamesG word over others, if someone is a peaker against him send a 3 to send jmaesGs word over threes and keep people on his side
2 make sure JamesGs will is over others and in speaking JamesG is hearted over others
3 a group of the JJO supervisor to james sure there good for JamesG and not being a problem and doing shit for him
4 a large reserve of things for JamesG used for if needed for use for a goal that all the first three as a 3 units will be with a
4th a mazement unit for the first 3 units of the squad

1 find out how it works for the JJO 4 focuses its order 123 or 4 for general use as a sub 4 focus under 1 of the 4
2 used for JamesG only or for JamesG only
3 something used for the group there in under the common of the 4 focus its for as a common purpose witch is the for focuses
4 mixed the fist three focuses, as a with as a single thing like a car with all 3 for use, can be used for
1general use, 2a tracker camera and a coms to keep them working right, 3group move as a group, mixed all bult in one vehicle

ID Uniform Code

A picture of the Face if possible,
Name First Name And Fathers last name or mothers Fathers last Name
, and maybe additional last names of family like on the mothers side

Birth year, if possible birth day and month
eye color

year employed, and or year joined

Fisrt Dpart.D.SubD Joined
Info  of witch click name Dpart.D.SubD you joined first

When possible ether Blood type or figure prints, should be the choice of the person taking it witch Blood or figure print

a Data base with this info, to refence,

and one day with a reason why and and reason how the why is there color Code names on this sheet and Reports