
JJO-Society.Creed 4

JJO JJSociety Morals or just JJO Morals
Some moral Rules and things

#1 Section

1.1 Credit
Try to give Crédit where credit is do
if you hear a joke you can say where you got it from
and since it has to do with the JJO and JamesG made it deceit them to JamesG and credits him

1.2 Debit paying
if your in debt pay it back to the one your in debt to if you pay anything
only pay to others if the one you owe your debt to says to pay it to someone else
in the way  way they say or agreed if your able

1.3 Messiahships
do not Cheat if your in a Committed relationship with anther person, unless its a spoken and understood agreement
all that in the relationship

1.4  property
3. do not take from someone that only belongs to them, and do not steal from someone that belongs more to them
then you

#2 Section

2.1authority pecking order
remember  the Peking order and constitution that if more Official truly
and if your in a poison of authority and power fallow the rules your meant to by the position your in if it is just or jostled 

2,.2 treats JamesG with good morals as well
JamesG is the one  who owns the JJO make sure all the rules of morality also applies be used for jamesG
an anyone else

2.3 judgment
its okay to judge someone as long as its a correct judgment and right to do and can choose not to judge for any reason, if someone judges someone in a way that effect them or someone about them and its unjust you may
denned them with words or in the same way they judged unjustly,
justify things based on what is right and good and true
and a way of doing this for the JJO is justify based on what...
1. good for the JJO,
2. and whats good for JamesG the the highest of the JJO
3. and whats  moral for the JJO group or Click Name your apart of for the JJO
4. and whats good over all

#3 Section

3.1 do not speak for people higher then you in rank in the JJO and dont speak for jamesG speak for your self if you do speak 
and make sure if someone does speak for someone higher in rank in the JJO you make sure people know they should not or do not speak for others 

Moral of Relationships

Harem           = a large amount of females for one male, with servants and wifes like concubine
only people of vary high worth and status of like royalty like a king should have a harem, only
if they are good and has worthy as a human being to  above the rest that can be explained as many different thing and Special
if does not have that can not have a Harem
  JamesG is worthy he is a monarch of the JJO and is different then the rest of males in some ways mixed to gather to be unique Special
has  perfect neutral perfect eye brows long eyelashes and beautiful and body parts that are bigger then others 

Monogamy   = a couple in a  commitment of one person with anther person ,
1 male 1 female  couple ,
1 female 1 female couple ,
1 male 1 male couple  

Polygamy      = having more then one wife or husband,
if you have Polygamy it is  prefer to have only one male or one female as the center , its one or the other male center or female center
and its still a commitment  

Special            = different the the rest, like in people a person different then the rest,
someone can be Special to a person with a reason why

commitment = confined to a  obligation and must be sustain integrity of the commitment in a marriage or  commitment relationship  

Slut                   = someone that has frivolous  sex with many people, the  value and purpose of sex issues worth this way
whore              = someone that commits a sex crime, like being a cheating slut in a commitment relationship  
promiscuous = lots of different things  without order causal, like a slut  that sleeps sex with many people without caring who they are
prostitute       = someone who sells them self's  sexually for money or something else in exchange

Cheat              = when you brake your commitment without getting permission  from the one your committed to, but even with permission  can still be cheating, witch is bad

people that you may have sex with must know what you are and what you want, must tell them what you are before telling them what you want, for they dont get cheated witch would be bad