
1 can go into 3 as defense can can be used for when a good deference if offense

JJO-JODSS Contingency Panning Algorithm

JJO-JODSS Contingency Panning Algorithm

there is a max of 3 teams with i hidden or secrete 4th
the 3 teams
team 1  and the general people
team 2  For the JJO under jamesG
team 3  groups of different incentive 

and different types of people
Skyblues                    a good overall person  
Chocolate_brown    a Good person that does bas thing or a bad person that does good thing
Cbrown                      a bad person that does bad things
martlet_red               a wicked evil person that is in your way 

and 2 side to each team
Good       2    for the JJO under jamesG
bad          3    for the jjo Under jamesG
and a extra thing
valuable  4    for the JJO under jamesG

Things to do steps
look at each person  and put them into one of these category's one step at a time "1#,2#,3# above"
And add a reason how and a reason why it  they are some time can be both.
and make sure each person as one of each of  these Identifier 

then make sure you have a place to store a  profile  or a log on a profile of each of these people
witch can be done on a page
with there...
1 Eye color
2 Born Gander, and if a RT say what they look like...
by without looking just profile them to find out if there is a stick or a whole between there legs
3 Names
4 Picture of there face always if possible

put them all on one page of each person
with the 3# parts before 4#
as there profile
and if there in the JJO put there Click name
if they found theres yet if they dont have one show them this site for they can pick one
at www.JamesG.site and tell them to look under the org links
and if they can not get on tell them to go to WWW.JJO.world and click on the links till they get on the fan page

Contingency Plan things
after making a with a reason who and how they do thing un anything that could by a threat like a enemy of jamesG
into them into groups then based on what they have in common
Contingency plan of prevention
Contingency of stopping
to any threat to the JJO under JamesG and JamesG

after you find all the threats find out  what types of threats they are and ho they are a threat
on the page you  make for others or other use to add on to
and put people into a JODDS Dpar.D._ or a  JODSS.Dpart.D.SubD to be part of  that will  worth separately but together