
IJCCA stands for Identify.Justify.contemplate.confirm.act
EACH step of IJCCA needs a why and how to explain how and why they when through this

Just security
must try to be Justified ethical base
there purpose is to be just or justified and make sure the fallow all the rules of the JJO that applies to them
almost all skyblues

and if its not that way i needs a fix
they need for each member to have i label on  them saying
code word label
or marlet_red

skyblues must have a safe place to go with other skyblues in the work place with the rest and will be allowed to work with the rest
but the safe place can be for a way to think of ways of using IJCCA on a data base or on papper
and will also make sure things are as intended after the IJCCA things

some chosen Cholate_brown s can be used to help the  skyblues out side of the skyblue work place
and will have a place to work on how to make the JJO as intended based on this web site https://www.jamesg.site/links/organization-jjo/
sky blues can to  after they do when there not thinking of ijcca

Cbrown can do different kind of work as long as there watched

and martlet_red always as to be watch and put on a watch list if there in jamesGs way and if its IJCCA to put the martlet_red on a list

and will have more addon  to the  label
good or bad, and valuable    to add one of these on to each label  as a report
and have a reason why there good or bad as a Code word label
in a report of each member

If they do something without going through IJCCA
make sure  you go through IJCCA before any act of attack or valiant

witch stands for Idenfiy.Justify.Contemplate.Confirm.Act
witch a how you went through each step and why it and why and how to the why

and justify
step is based on 4 things to jusify it on
1. whats good for  The  JJO
2. whats good for jamesG
3. whats good for your Click name Dpart.D
4. whats good over all

witch can be you a way to be allowed to do things that maybe bad for someone

as part of there job as Just Security is to make sure all in just security has these labels